Reference manual

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install.packages("kinship2") by Jason Sinnwell, 5 months ago

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Authors: Jason Sinnwell [aut, cre] , Terry Therneau [aut] , Daniel Schaid [ctb] , Elizabeth Atkinson [ctb] , Carly Mester [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports graphics, stats, methods, knitr

Depends on Matrix, quadprog

Imported by BGmisc, FamEvent, GENLIB, LCAextend, MESS, Mega2R, famSKATRC, fat2Lpoly, optiSel, paramlink, pedtools, ribd, skater.

Depended on by Familias, GESE, pedgene.

Suggested by Mangrove, coxme, gap, pbatR, sequoia, simfam.

See at CRAN