Reference manual

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1.5.0 by Gordon Smyth, 2 years ago

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Authors: Gordon Smyth [cre, aut] , Lizhong Chen [aut] , Yifang Hu [ctb] , Peter Dunn [ctb] , Belinda Phipson [ctb] , Yunshun Chen [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | GPL-3 license

Imports stats, graphics

Suggests MASS, tweedie

Imported by BT, BayesianGLasso, CIMPLE, ChainLadder, CondCopulas, DIscBIO, DiscreteDLM, Distributacalcul, FER, FRK, GPCMlasso, GUniFrac, GlmSimulatoR, HDJM, Hmsc, JointFPM, LRTesteR, MAnorm2, MGDrivE2, MJMbamlss, MicrobiomeStat, MultOrdRS, NetRep, PJFM, PanelCount, PredPsych, RISCA, SNSequate, SeBR, UPCM, VBJM, ZINAR1, abglasso, actuaRE, bbreg, bgsmtr, boxcoxmix, bplsr, ciuupi, ciuupi2, conf, cplm, ctmm, ctsem, cuRe, curesurv, deltaccd, dglm, dsm, dwp, endogeneity, equateIRT, equateMultiple, flexCWM, flexrsurv, flexsurv, frailtypack, gllvm, glmtoolbox, gmvjoint, gofedf, greybox, irtQ, jmdem, joineR, lacm, lmeresampler, marp, mexhaz, mgss, mig, mixpoissonreg, mlogit, multimark, mvQuad, mvabund, nlmm, npmlreg, penalizedSVM, pglm, plink, proclhmm, promor, qgg, regDIF, rlcv, robnptests, seeds, smooth, ssrm.logmer, survPen, transmdl, x.ent, yuima.

Depended on by CopulaGAMM, CopulaREMADA, FactorCopula, FastJM, JMH, JSM, MSclassifR, MVR, MultisiteMediation, PCMRS, PCS, ZIBR, cgam, cond, csampling, diffIRT, marg, mixcat, nlreg, survsim, xhaz.

Suggested by CIDER, DAAG, DGEobj.utils, RVAideMemoire, SSN2, SparseGrid, SubTS, afex, assessor, bamlss, betareg, brms, fitteR, insight, lme4, multIntTestFunc, npreg, plm, polyCub, spmodel, tweedie.

See at CRAN