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3.3.0 by Wim Van Der Elst, 6 months ago
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Authors: Wim Van Der Elst [cre, aut] , Florian Stijven [aut] , Fenny Ong [aut] , Dries De Witte [aut] , Paul Meyvisch [aut] , Alvaro Poveda [aut] , Ariel Alonso [aut] , Hannah Ensor [aut] , Christoper Weir [aut] , Geert Molenberghs [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports MASS, lattice, latticeExtra, survival, nlme, lme4, msm, logistf, rms, ks, extraDistr, pbapply, flexsurv, rvinecopulib, maxLik, purrr, MBESS, tidyr, dplyr, numDeriv, optimx, tibble
Suggests copula, FNN, mgcv, testthat, vdiffr, parallel, fitdistrplus, kdecopula, cubature, mvtnorm, withr, stringr, ggplot2
See at CRAN