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4.1.2 by Olivier Broennimann, 2 months ago
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Authors: Olivier Broennimann [cre, aut, ctb] , Valeria Di Cola [aut, ctb] , Blaise Petitpierre [ctb] , Frank Breiner [ctb] , Daniel Scherrer [ctb] , Manuela D`Amen [ctb] , Christophe Randin [ctb] , Robin Engler [ctb] , Wim Hordijk [ctb] , Heidi Mod [ctb] , Julien Pottier [ctb] , Mirko Di Febbraro [ctb] , Loic Pellissier [ctb] , Dorothea Pio [ctb] , Ruben Garcia Mateo [ctb] , Anne Dubuis [ctb] , Luigi Maiorano [ctb] , Achilleas Psomas [ctb] , Charlotte Ndiribe [ctb] , Nicolas Salamin [ctb] , Niklaus Zimmermann [ctb] , Flavien Collart [ctb] , Valentin Verdon [ctb] , Tyler Smith [ctb] , Antoine Guisan [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL license
Imports ade4, gbm, foreach, adehabitatHR, adehabitatMA, biomod2, dismo, ecodist, terra, gtools, PresenceAbsence, methods, parallel, classInt, vegan, poibin, matrixStats, ks, nabor, Hmisc
Suggests rJava, knitr, alphahull, snowfall, dplyr, maps, rms, sp, ape, randomForest
Imported by wallace.
Suggested by ENMTools, ENMeval.
See at CRAN