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0.15-4 by Dominic Schuhmacher, 6 months ago
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Authors: Dominic Schuhmacher [aut, cre] , Björn Bähre [aut] (aha and power diagrams) , Nicolas Bonneel [aut] (networkflow) , Carsten Gottschlich [aut] (simplex and shortlist) , Valentin Hartmann [aut] (semidiscrete1) , Florian Heinemann [aut] (transport_track and networkflow integration) , Bernhard Schmitzer [aut] (shielding) , Jörn Schrieber [aut] (subsampling) , Timo Wilm [ctb] (wpp)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports grDevices, graphics, methods, stats, Rcpp, data.table
Suggests animation, ks, testthat
Linking to RcppEigen, Rcpp
Imported by AnomalyScore, Ecume, GMPro, LOMAR, SBCK, StratifiedSampling, cylcop, drf, epiphy, gsaot, kanjistat, otinference.
Suggested by WpProj, approxOT, priorsense, provenance.
See at CRAN