Reference manual

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2.3.3 by Jakub Nowosad, a month ago

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Authors: Roger Bivand [aut] , Jakub Nowosad [aut, cre] , Robin Lovelace [aut] , Angelos Mimis [ctb] , Mark Monmonier [ctb] (author of the state.vbm dataset) , Greg Snow [ctb] (author of the state.vbm dataset)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

CC0 license

Imports sp

Suggests foreign, sf, spDataLarge, spdep, spatialreg

Imported by GWnnegPCA, MainExistingDatasets, PopGenHelpR, oceanic, scgwr, sphet.

Depended on by bispdep, spatialreg, spdep, spgwr.

Suggested by GWmodel, R2BayesX, RPyGeo, TeachingDemos, apsimx, bayesTFR, classInt, echelon, epiR, geonetwork, raybevel, rayrender, rcartocolor, rflexscan, sqlhelper, tilemaps, varycoef.

See at CRAN