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16.1.6 by Henrik Singmann, 4 years ago
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Authors: Byron Hall [aut] , Martina Hall [aut] , Statisticat , LLC [aut] , Eric Brown [ctb] , Richard Hermanson [ctb] , Emmanuel Charpentier [ctb] , Daniel Heck [ctb] , Stephane Laurent [ctb] , Quentin F. Gronau [ctb] , Henrik Singmann [cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports parallel, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils
Suggests KernSmooth
Imported by ARpLMEC, BCClong, BayesGP, Bayesrel, CHEMIST, DIFM, FourWayHMM, LFM, LLIC, MLEce, MatrixHMM, MetabolSSMF, OBASpatial, OLCPM, PROBShiny, R2D2ordinal, RGMM, RMFM, SMARTbayesR, SMNlmec, SpaCOAP, TLIC, bdlim, bgsmtr, bmscstan, campsismod, dlbayes, eDITH, evidence, exdqlm, ftsa, hdpGLM, kindisperse, lddmm, metaBMA, mvnimpute, networkscaleup, skipTrack, sklarsomega, tip.
Depended on by BayesESS, EpiILM,
Suggested by extraDistr, ezECM, fido, ivaBSS, matrixNormal.
See at CRAN