All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

xkcd — 0.0.6

Plotting ggplot2 Graphics in an XKCD Style

xkcdcolors — 1.0

Color Names from the XKCD Color Survey

XKCDdata — 0.1.0

Get XKCD Comic Data

xlcharts — 0.0.2

Create Native 'Excel' Charts and Work with Microsoft 'Excel' Files

XLConnect — 1.1.0

Excel Connector for R

xlcutter — 0.1.1

Parse Batches of 'xlsx' Files Based on a Template

xlink — 1.0.1

Genetic Association Models for X-Chromosome SNPS on Continuous, Binary and Survival Outcomes

xLLiM — 2.3

High Dimensional Locally-Linear Mapping

XLS — 0.1.0

A Modeling Approach that Optimizes Future Errors in Least Squares

xlsx — 0.6.5

Read, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Files

xlsx2dfs — 0.1.0

Read and Write 'Excel' Sheets into and from List of Data Frames

xlsxjars — 0.6.1

Package required POI jars for the xlsx package

xmeta — 1.3.2

A Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis

XML — 3.99-0.17

Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus

xml2 — 1.3.6

Parse XML

XML2R — 0.0.8

Easier XML Data Collection

xml2relational — 0.1.1

Converting XML Documents into Relational Data Models

xmlconvert — 0.1.2

Comfortably Converting XML Documents to Dataframes and Vice Versa

xmlparsedata — 1.0.5

Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree

xmlr — 0.1.2

Read, Write and Work with 'XML' Data

xmlrpc2 — 1.1

Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')

xmpdf — 0.2.1

Edit 'XMP' Metadata and 'PDF' Bookmarks and Documentation Info

xmrr — 1.1.1

Generate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data

xnet — 0.1.11

Two-Step Kernel Ridge Regression for Network Predictions

XNomial — 1.0.4

Exact Goodness-of-Fit Test for Multinomial Data with Fixed Probabilities

xoi — 0.72

Tools for Analyzing Crossover Interference

xopen — 1.0.1

Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything

xpectr — 0.4.3

Generates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit Testing

xplain — 0.2.2

Providing Interactive Interpretations and Explanations of Statistical Results

xplorerr — 0.1.2

Tools for Interactive Data Exploration

Xplortext — 1.5.3

Statistical Analysis of Textual Data

xportr — 0.4.0

Utilities to Output CDISC SDTM/ADaM XPT Files

xpose — 0.4.18

Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models

xpose.nlmixr2 — 0.4.0

Graphical Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models: Extension to 'nlmixr2'

xpose4 — 4.7.3

Diagnostics for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models

XR — 0.7.2

A Structure for Interfaces from R

xray — 0.2

X Ray Vision on your Datasets

xrf — 0.2.2

eXtreme RuleFit

xRing — 0.1.1

Identify and Measure Tree Rings on X-Ray Micro-Density Profiles

XRJulia —

Structured Interface to Julia

xrnet — 1.0.0

Hierarchical Regularized Regression

XRPython — 0.8

Structured Interface to 'Python'

XRSCC — 0.1

Statistical Quality Control Simulation

xslt — 1.4.5

Extensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations

xsp — 0.1.2

The Chi-Square Periodogram

xSub — 3.0.2

Cross-National Data on Sub-National Violence

xtable — 1.8-4

Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML

xtranat — 0.1.0

Network Metrics Based on Random Walks

xts — 0.14.0

eXtensible Time Series

xtsum — 0.1.0

Summary Statistics for Panel Data

xtune — 2.0.0

Regularized Regression with Feature-Specific Penalties Integrating External Information

xutils — 0.0.2

Utility Functions of Fangzhou Xie

xVA — 1.1

Calculates Credit Risk Valuation Adjustments

xwf — 0.2-3

Extrema-Weighted Feature Extraction

xxdi — 1.2.3

Calculate Expertise Indices

xxhashlite — 0.2.2

Extremely Fast Hashing of R Objects, Raw Data and Files using 'xxHash' Algorithms

xxIRT — 2.1.2

Item Response Theory and Computer-Based Testing in R

yacca — 1.4-2

Yet Another Canonical Correlation Analysis Package

yaConsensus — 1.0

Consensus Clustering of Omic Data

yager — 0.1.1

Yet Another General Regression Neural Network

yahoofinancer — 0.3.0

Fetch Data from Yahoo Finance API

yaImpute — 1.0-34

Nearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation Tools

YaleToolkit — 4.2.3

Data Exploration Tools from Yale University

yaml — 2.3.10

Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back

yamlet — 1.1.2

Versatile Curation of Table Metadata

yamlme — 0.1.2

Writing 'YAML' Headers for 'R-Markdown' Documents

yardstick — 1.3.1

Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance

yarrr — 0.1.5

A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"

yasp — 0.2.0

String Functions for Compact R Code

yatah — 1.0.0

Yet Another TAxonomy Handler

YatchewTest — 1.1.1

Yatchew (1997), De Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024) Linearity Test

YatesAlgo.FactorialExp.SR — 4.0.4

Yates' Algorithm in 2^n Factorial Experiment

ycevo — 0.2.1

Nonparametric Estimation of the Yield Curve Evolution

yesno — 0.1.3

Ask Yes-No Questions

yfR — 1.1.0

Downloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo Finance

yhat — 2.0-4

Interpreting Regression Effects

yhatr — 0.15.1

R Binder for the Yhat API

YieldCurve — 5.1

Modelling and Estimation of the Yield Curve

yll — 1.0.0

Compute Expected Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Average YLL

ymd — 0.1.2

Parse 'YMD' Format Number or String to Date

Ymisc — 0.1.0

Miscellaneous Functions

ymlthis — 0.1.7

Write 'YAML' for 'R Markdown', 'bookdown', 'blogdown', and More

ympes — 1.5.0

Collection of Helper Functions

yodel — 1.0.0

A General Bayesian Model Averaging Helper

yorkr — 0.0.42

Analyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet

youngSwimmers — 0.0.1

Young Swimmers Dataset

YPBP — 0.0.1

Yang and Prentice Model with Baseline Distribution Modeled by Bernstein Polynomials

YPInterimTesting — 1.0.3

Interim Monitoring Using Adaptively Weighted Log-Rank Test in Clinical Trials

YPmodel — 1.4

The Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model for Survival Data

YPmodelPhreg — 1.0.0

The Short-Term and Long-Term Hazard Ratio Model with Proportional Adjustment

YPPE — 1.0.1

Yang and Prentice Model with Piecewise Exponential Baseline Distribution

ypr — 0.6.0

Yield Per Recruit

ypssc — 1.1.0

Yeast-Proteome Secondary-Structure Calculator

YRmisc — 0.1.6

Y&R Miscellaneous R Functions

YTAnalytics — 0.2.0

Wrapper for 'YouTube Analytics' API

yuima — 1.15.27

The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs

yuimaGUI — 1.3.1

A Graphical User Interface for the 'yuima' Package

yulab.utils — 0.1.7

Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU'

yum — 0.1.0

Utilities to Extract and Process 'YAML' Fragments

yyjsonr — 0.1.20

Fast 'JSON', 'NDJSON' and 'GeoJSON' Parser and Generator

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