Packages by Diego Ciccia

DIDHAD — 1.0.1

Difference-in-Differences in Heterogeneous Adoption Designs with Quasi Stayers

DIDmultiplegt — 2.0.0

Estimators DID with Multiple Groups and Periods

DIDmultiplegtDYN — 2.0.0

Estimation in Difference-in-Difference Designs with Multiple Groups and Periods

StuteTest — 1.0.2

Stute (1997) Linearity Test

TwoWayFEWeights — 2.0.4

Estimation of the Weights Attached to the Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions

YatchewTest — 1.1.1

Yatchew (1997), De Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024) Linearity Test