All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

typed — 0.0.1

Support Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return Values

typehint — 0.1.2

Auto-Check Types, Dimensions, and Values of Function Arguments

types — 1.0.0

Type Annotations

typetracer — 0.2.2

Trace Function Parameter Types

tzdb — 0.4.0

Time Zone Database Information

tzupdater — 0.1.5

Time Zone Database Updater

u5mr — 0.1.1

Under-Five Child Mortality Estimation

uaparserjs — 0.3.5

Parse 'User-Agent' Strings

uavRmp — 0.7

UAV Mission Planner

UBayFS — 1.0

A User-Guided Bayesian Framework for Ensemble Feature Selection

UBCRM — 1.0.3

Simulate and Conduct Dose-Escalation Phase I Studies

ubiquity — 2.0.3

PKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling Tools

UBL — 0.0.9

An Implementation of Re-Sampling Approaches to Utility-Based Learning for Both Classification and Regression Tasks

ubms — 1.2.6

Bayesian Models for Data from Unmarked Animals using 'Stan'

uci — 0.3.0

Urban Centrality Index

ucie — 1.0.2

Mapping 3D Data into CIELab Color Space

uclust — 1.0.0

Clustering and Classification Inference with U-Statistics

ucminf — 1.2.2

General-Purpose Unconstrained Non-Linear Optimization

UComp — 5.0.0

Automatic Univariate Time Series Modelling of many Kinds

UCR.ColumnNames — 0.1.0

Fixes Column Names for Uniform Crime Report "Offenses Known and Clearance by Arrest" Datasets

UCSCXenaShiny — 2.1.0

Interactive Analysis of UCSC Xena Data

UCSCXenaTools — 1.4.8

Download and Explore Datasets from UCSC Xena Data Hubs

UdderQuarterInfectionData — 1.0.0

Udder Quarter Infection Data

udpipe — 0.8.11

Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing with the 'UDPipe' 'NLP' Toolkit

udunits2 —

Udunits-2 Bindings for R

ufRisk — 1.0.7

Risk Measure Calculation in Financial TS

ufs — 0.5.12

A Collection of Utilities

ugatsdb — 0.2.3

Uganda Time Series Database API

uGMAR — 3.5.0

Estimate Univariate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Autoregressive Models

ugomquantreg — 1.0.0

Quantile Regression Modeling for Unit-Gompertz Responses

UHM — 0.3.0

Unified Zero-Inflated Hurdle Regression Models

uHMM — 1.0

Construct an Unsupervised Hidden Markov Model

ui — 0.1.1

Uncertainty Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis for Missing Data

uiucthemes — 0.3.1

'R' 'Markdown' Themes for 'UIUC' Documents and Presentations

uk2us — 0.1.0

Convert Words Between UK and US English

UKB.COVID19 — 0.1.4

UK Biobank COVID-19 Data Processing and Risk Factor Association Tests

ukbabynames — 0.3.0

UK Baby Names Data

ukbnmr — 2.2

Removal of Unwanted Technical Variation from UK Biobank NMR Metabolomics Biomarker Data

ukbtools — 0.11.3

Manipulate and Explore UK Biobank Data

UKFE — 0.3.5

UK Flood Estimation

ukgasapi — 0.21

API for UK Energy Market Information

UKgrid — 0.1.3

The UK National Electricity Transmission System Dataset

uklr — 1.0.2

Client to United Kingdom Land Registry

ukpolice — 0.2.2

Download Data on UK Police and Crime

ulex — 0.1.0

Unique Location Extractor

ulid — 0.4.0

Generate Universally Unique 'Lexicographically' 'Sortable' Identifiers

ulrb — 0.1.5

Unsupervised Learning Based Definition of Microbial Rare Biosphere

Ultimixt — 2.1

Bayesian Analysis of Location-Scale Mixture Models using a Weakly Informative Prior

ultrapolaRplot — 0.1.1

Plotting Ultrasound Tongue Traces

umap —

Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection

Umatrix — 4.0

Visualization of Structures in High-Dimensional Data

umbridge — 1.0

Integration for the UM-Bridge Protocol

umiAnalyzer — 1.0.0

Tools for Analyzing Sequencing Data with Unique Molecular Identifiers

Umoments — 0.1.1

Unbiased Central Moment Estimates

ump — 0.5-8

Uniformly Most Powerful Tests

Umpire — 2.0.10

Simulating Realistic Gene Expression and Clinical Data

umx — 4.20.0

Structural Equation Modeling and Twin Modeling in R

UnalR — 1.0.0

Una implementación de funciones de uso interno

unbalhaar — 2.1

Function Estimation via Unbalanced Haar Wavelets

UncDecomp — 1.0.1

Uncertainty Decomposition

uncertainty — 0.2.0

Uncertainty Estimation and Contribution Analysis

uncertainUCDP — 0.5.2

Parametric Mixture Models for Uncertainty Estimation of Fatalities in UCDP Conflict Data

uncmbb — 0.2.2

UNC Men's Basketball Match Results Since 1949-1950 Season

uncorbets — 0.1.2

Uncorrelated Bets via Minimum Torsion Algorithm

UNCOVER — 1.1.0

Utilising Normalisation Constant Optimisation via Edge Removal (UNCOVER)

understandBPMN — 1.1.1

Calculator of Understandability Metrics for BPMN

unglue — 0.1.0

Extract Matched Substrings Using a Pattern

ungroup — 1.4.4

Penalized Composite Link Model for Efficient Estimation of Smooth Distributions from Coarsely Binned Data

unhcrthemes — 0.6.2

UNHCR 'ggplot2' Theme and Colour Palettes

unheadr — 0.4.0

Handle Data with Messy Header Rows and Broken Values

uni.survival.tree — 1.5

A Survival Tree Based on Stabilized Score Tests for High-dimensional Covariates

uniah — 1.2

Unimodal Additive Hazards Model

Unico — 0.1.0

Unified Cross-Omics Deconvolution

Unicode — 15.1.0-1

Unicode Data and Utilities

unicol — 0.3.0

The Colors of your University

UniExactFunTest — 1.0.0

Uniform Exact Functional Tests for Contingency Tables

unifDAG — 1.0.4

Uniform Sampling of Directed Acyclic Graphs

unifed — 1.1.6

The Unifed Distribution

UnifiedDoseFinding — 0.1.10

Dose-Finding Methods for Non-Binary Outcomes

unifir — 0.2.4

A Unifying API for Calling the 'Unity' '3D' Video Game Engine

uniformly — 0.5.0

Uniform Sampling

unigd — 0.1.2

Universal Graphics Device

UniIsoRegression — 0.0-0

Unimodal and Isotonic L1, L2 and Linf Regression

unikn — 1.0.0

Graphical Elements of the University of Konstanz's Corporate Design

unine — 0.2.0

Unine Light Stemmer

UniprotR — 2.4.0

Retrieving Information of Proteins from Uniprot

uniqtag — 1.0.1

Abbreviate Strings to Short, Unique Identifiers

uniReg — 1.1

Unimodal Penalized Spline Regression using B-Splines

unisensR — 0.3.3

Read 'Unisens' Data

uniset — 0.3.1

Dynamic Settings File

UnitCircle — 0.1.3

Check if Roots of a Polynomial Lie Outside the Unit Circle

unitedR — 0.4

Assessment and Evaluation of Formations in United

unitizer — 1.4.21

Interactive R Unit Tests

unitquantreg — 0.0.6

Parametric Quantile Regression Models for Bounded Data

units — 0.8-5

Measurement Units for R Vectors

UnitStat — 1.1.0

Performs Unit Root Test Statistics

unittest — 1.6-1

TAP-Compliant Unit Testing

unival — 1.1.0

Assessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information

univariateML — 1.1.1

Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Univariate Densities

UniversalCVI — 1.1.2

Hard and Soft Cluster Validity Indices

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