Florian Rupprecht [aut, cre]
Kun Ren [ctb]
Tatsuya Shima [ctb]
Jeroen Ooms [ctb]
Hadley Wickham [cph] (Author of included svglite code)
Lionel Henry [cph] (Author of included svglite code)
Thomas Lin Pedersen [cph] (Author and creator of included svglite code)
T Jake Luciani [cph] (Author of included svglite code)
Matthieu Decorde [cph] (Author of included svglite code)
Vaudor Lise [cph] (Author of included svglite code)
Tony Plate [cph] (Contributor to included svglite code)
David Gohel [cph] (Contributor to included svglite code)
Yixuan Qiu [cph] (Contributor to included svglite code)
HÃ¥kon Malmedal [cph] (Contributor to included svglite code)
RStudio [cph] (Copyright holder of included svglite code)
Brett Robinson [cph] (Author of included belle library)
Google [cph] (Copyright holder of included material design icons)
Victor Zverovich [cph] (Author of included fmt library)
Andrzej Krzemienski [cph] (Author of included
std::experimental::optional library)