All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

UniversalCVI — 1.1.2

Hard and Soft Cluster Validity Indices

universals — 0.0.5

S3 Generics for Bayesian Analyses

univOutl — 0.4

Detection of Univariate Outliers

UnivRNG — 1.2.3

Univariate Pseudo-Random Number Generation

unix — 1.5.9

POSIX System Utilities

unjoin — 0.1.0

Separate a Data Frame by Normalization

unmarked — 1.4.3

Models for Data from Unmarked Animals

unmconf — 1.0.0

Modeling with Unmeasured Confounding

unnest — 0.0.5

Unnest Hierarchical Data Structures

UNPaC — 1.1.1

Non-Parametric Cluster Significance Testing with Reference to a Unimodal Null Distribution

unpivotr — 0.6.3

Unpivot Complex and Irregular Data Layouts

unrepx — 1.0-2

Analysis and Graphics for Unreplicated Experiments

unrtf — 1.4.6

Extract Text from Rich Text Format (RTF) Documents

unstruwwel — 0.2.1

Detect and Parse Historic Dates

unsystation — 0.2.0

Stationarity Test Based on Unsystematic Sub-Sampling

untb — 1.7-7-1

Ecological Drift under the UNTB

unusualprofile — 0.1.4

Calculates Conditional Mahalanobis Distances

unvotes — 0.3.0

United Nations General Assembly Voting Data

uotm — 0.1.6

Uncertainty of Time Series Model Selection Methods

UpAndDownPlots — 0.5.0

Displays Percentage and Absolute Changes

UPCM — 0.0-3

Uncertainty in Partial Credit Models

updateme — 0.1.0

Informative Messages About Outdated Packages

updater — 0.1.2

Utilities for Updating R

updog — 2.1.5

Flexible Genotyping for Polyploids

UpDown — 1.2.1

Detecting Group Disturbances from Longitudinal Observations

UPG — 0.3.4

Efficient Bayesian Algorithms for Binary and Categorical Data Regression Models

upndown — 0.1.0

Utilities and Design Aids for Up-and-Down Dose-Finding Studies

upsetjs — 1.11.1

'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'UpSet.js' for Exploring Large Set Intersections

UpSetR — 1.4.0

A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets

UpSetVP — 1.0.0

An Alternative Visualization of VPA and HP in Canonical Analysis

upstartr — 0.1.2

Utilities Powering the Globe and Mail's Data Journalism Template

UPSvarApprox — 0.1.4

Approximate the Variance of the Horvitz-Thompson Total Estimator

uptasticsearch — 0.4.0

Get Data Frame Representations of 'Elasticsearch' Results

uptimeRobot — 1.0.0

Access the UptimeRobot Ping API

ura — 1.0.1

Monitoring Rater Reliability

urbin — 0.1-14

Unifying Estimation Results with Binary Dependent Variables

urca — 1.3-4

Unit Root and Cointegration Tests for Time Series Data

urlchecker — 1.0.1

Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions

urlshorteneR — 1.5.7

R Wrapper for the '' and ''/'' URL Shortening Services

urltools — 1.7.3

Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing

uroot — 2.1-3

Unit Root Tests for Seasonal Time Series

URooTab — 0.1.0

Tabular Reporting of 'EViews' Unit Root Tests

ursa — 3.11.1

Non-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster Processing and Visualization

us.census.geoheader — 1.0.2

US 2010 Census SF2 Geographic Header Summary Levels 010-050

usa — 0.1.2

Updated US State Facts and Figures

USA.state.boundaries — 1.0.1

WGS84 Datum Map of the USA, Including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

usaidplot — 2.0.2

Make Graphs with US Agency for International Development Colors

uscoauditlog — 1.0.3

United States Copyright Office Product Management Division SR Audit Data Dataset Cleaning Algorithms

usdampr — 1.0.1

Request USDA MPR Historical Data via the 'LMR' API

usdarnass — 0.1.0


usdata — 0.3.1

Data on the States and Counties of the United States

usdm — 2.1-7

Uncertainty Analysis for Species Distribution Models

usedist — 0.4.0

Distance Matrix Utilities

usedthese — 0.5.0

Summarises Package & Function Usage

useful —

A Collection of Handy, Useful Functions

usefun — 0.5.2

A Collection of Useful Functions by John

usemodels — 0.2.0

Boilerplate Code for 'Tidymodels' Analyses

usethis — 3.0.0

Automate Package and Project Setup

usfertilizer — 0.1.5

County-Level Estimates of Fertilizer Application in USA

USgas — 0.1.2

The Demand for Natural Gas in the US

USgrid — 0.1.2

The Demand and Supply for Electricity in the US

ushr — 0.2.3

Understanding Suppression of HIV

usincometaxes — 0.7.1

Calculate Federal and State Income Taxes in the United States

UsingR — 2.0-7

Data Sets, Etc. for the Text "Using R for Introductory Statistics", Second Edition

uskewFactors — 2.0

Model-Based Clustering via Mixtures of Unrestricted Skew-t Sactor Analyzer Models

usl — 3.0.3

Analyze System Scalability with the Universal Scalability Law

usmap — 0.7.1

US Maps Including Alaska and Hawaii

usmapdata — 0.3.0

Mapping Data for 'usmap' Package

USP — 0.1.2

U-Statistic Permutation Tests of Independence for all Data Types

USpopcenters — 0.2.0

United States Centers of Population (Centroids)

ussherR — 1.10

Ussher Data Set Drawn from 1658 Chronology

UStatBookABSC — 1.0.0

A Companion Package to the Book "U-Statistics, M-Estimation and Resampling"

ustfd — 0.4.4

API Client for US Treasury Fiscal Data

ustyc — 1.0.0

Fetch US Treasury yield curve data.

utc — 0.1.5

Coordinated Universal Time Transformations

utf8 — 1.2.4

Unicode Text Processing

utile.tables — 0.3.0

Build Tables for Publication — 0.3.0

Summarize Data for Publication

utile.visuals — 0.3.3

Create Visuals for Publication

utility — 1.4.6

Construct, Evaluate and Plot Value and Utility Functions

UtilityFrailtyPH12 — 1.0

Implementing EFF-TOX and Monotone Utility Based Phase 12 Trials

utilityFunctionTools — 0.1.1

P-Spline Regression for Utility Functions and Derived Measures

utilsIPEA — 0.0.6

IPEA Common Functions

utiml — 0.1.7

Utilities for Multi-Label Learning

uuid — 1.2-1

Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs

uwedragon — 0.1.0

Data Research, Access, Governance Network : Statistical Disclosure Control

UWHAM — 1.1

Unbinned Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (UWHAM)

uwot — 0.2.2

The Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) Method for Dimensionality Reduction

uxr — 0.2.0

User Experience Research

V8 — 5.0.1

Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R

vaccine — 1.2.1

Statistical Tools for Immune Correlates Analysis of Vaccine Clinical Trial Data

vachette — 0.40.1

A Method for Visualization of Pharmacometric Models

vacuum — 0.1.0

Tukey's Vacuum Cleaner

vader — 0.2.1

Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)

vaersNDvax — 1.0.4

Non-Domestic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present

vaersvax — 1.0.5

US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Vaccine Data for Present

vagalumeR — 0.1.6

Access to the 'Vagalume' API

vagam — 1.1

Variational Approximations for Generalized Additive Models

valaddin — 1.0.2

Functional Input Validation

valection — 1.0.0

Sampler for Verification Studies

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