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1.7.3 by Os Keyes, 6 years ago
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Authors: Os Keyes [aut, cre] , Jay Jacobs [aut, cre] , Drew Schmidt [aut] , Mark Greenaway [ctb] , Bob Rudis [ctb] , Alex Pinto [ctb] , Maryam Khezrzadeh [ctb] , Peter Meilstrup [ctb] , Adam M. Costello [cph] , Jeff Bezanson [cph] , Peter Meilstrup [ctb] , Xueyuan Jiang [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports Rcpp, methods, triebeard
Suggests testthat, knitr
Linking to Rcpp
Imported by DSMolgenisArmadillo, DatabaseConnector, MolgenisArmadillo, MolgenisAuth, RKorAPClient, RTD, Riex, SP2000, VancouvR, ccdR, codemetar, cookiemonster, crul, ctxR, emayili, etrader, europepmc, gutenbergr, gwasrapidd, handlr, hfhub, hlidacr, hubeau, ojsr, otpr, pagoda2, plumbertableau, polyglotr, promr, rKolada, rameritrade, rdomains, reqres, riskmetric, rlinkedinads, runonce, schwabr, shiny.pwa, storywranglr, vcr, webmockr.
Depended on by CEOdata.
Suggested by dbx, vosonSML, webreadr.
See at CRAN