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RSBJson — 1.1.2

Handle R Requests from R Service Bus Applications with JSON Payloads

RSC — 2.0.4

Robust and Sparse Correlation Matrix

rSCA — 3.1

An R Package for Stepwise Cluster Analysis

RSCAT — 1.1.3

Shadow-Test Approach to Computerized Adaptive Testing

rscc — 0.2.1

R Source Code Similarity Evaluation by Variable/Function Names

RScelestial — 1.0.4

Scelestial: Steiner Tree Based Single-Cell Lineage Tree Inference

RSclient — 0.7-10

Client for Rserve

Rsconctdply — 0.1.3

Deploys Multiple 'Shiny' Apps using Configuration File

rsconnect — 1.3.1

Deploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect', '', and 'RPubs'

rscontract — 0.1.2

Generic implementation of the 'RStudio' connections contract

rscopus — 0.6.6

Scopus Database 'API' Interface

rscorecard — 0.29.0

A Method to Download Department of Education College Scorecard Data

RSDA — 3.2.1

R to Symbolic Data Analysis

rsdepth — 0.1-22

Ray Shooting Depth (i.e. RS Depth) Functions for Bivariate Analysis

rSDI — 0.2.1

Spatial Dispersion Index (SDI) Family of Metrics for Spatial/Geographic Networks

RSDK — 1.0.1

Sudoku with R

rsdmx — 0.6-3

Tools for Reading SDMX Data and Metadata

rsdNE — 1.1.0

Response Surface Designs with Neighbour Effects (rsdNE)

RSE — 1.3

Number of Newly Discovered Rare Species Estimation

rSEA — 2.1.2

Simultaneous Enrichment Analysis

rseedcalc — 1.3

Estimating the Proportion of Genetically Modified Seeds in Seedlots via Multinomial Group Testing

RSEIS — 4.2-4

Seismic Time Series Analysis Tools

RSelenium — 1.7.9

R Bindings for 'Selenium WebDriver'

rsem — 0.5.1

Robust Structural Equation Modeling with Missing Data and Auxiliary Variables

RSentiment — 2.2.2

Analyse Sentiment of English Sentences

Rserve — 1.8-13

Binary R server

rsetse — 0.5.0

Strain Elevation Tension Spring Embedding

rsf — 0.3.0

Report of Statistical Findings in 'bookdown'

rSFA — 1.5

Slow Feature Analysis

Rsfar — 0.0.1

Seasonal Functional Autoregressive Models

Rsgf — 1.0.0

SGF (Smart Game File) File Format Import

RSGHB — 1.2.2

Functions for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation: A Flexible Approach

rSHAPE — 0.3.2

Simulated Haploid Asexual Population Evolution

rshift — 3.1.1

Paleoecology Functions for Regime Shift Analysis

rsi — 0.2.1

Efficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite Imagery

rsides — 0.1

SIDES-Based Subgroup Search Algorithms

RSiena — 1.4.7

Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis

RsimMosaic — 1.0.3

R Simple Image Mosaic Creation Library

rsimsum — 0.13.0

Analysis of Simulation Studies Including Monte Carlo Error

rsinaica — 1.1.0

Download Data from Mexico's Air Quality Information System

RSizeBiased — 0.1.0

Hypothesis Testing Based on R-Size Biased Samples

RSKC — 2.4.2

Robust Sparse K-Means

rskey — 0.4.4

Create Custom 'Rstudio' Keyboard Shortcuts

rslp — 0.2.0

A Stemming Algorithm for the Portuguese Language

rslurm — 0.6.2

Submit R Calculations to a 'Slurm' Cluster

rsm — 2.10.5

Response-Surface Analysis

RSmallTelescopes — 1.0.4

Empirical Small Telescopes Analysis

RSmartlyIO — 0.1.3

Loading Facebook and Instagram Advertising Data from ''

rsmatch — 0.2.1

Matching Methods for Time-Varying Observational Studies

rsmatrix — 0.2.8

Matrices for Repeat-Sales Price Indexes

Rsmlx — 2024.1.0

R Speaks 'Monolix'

rsnell — 0.1

Snell Scoring

RSNNS — 0.4-17

Neural Networks using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)

rsocialwatcher — 0.1.1

'Facebook Marketing API' Social Watcher

RSocrata — 1.7.15-1

Download or Upload 'Socrata' Data Sets

rsoi — 0.5.6

Import Various Northern and Southern Hemisphere Climate Indices

Rsolnp — 1.16

General Non-Linear Optimization

rsolr — 0.0.13

R to Solr Interface

Rsomoclu — 1.7.6


RSP — 0.4

'shiny' Applications for Statistical and Psychometric Analysis

rspa — 0.2.8

Adapt Numerical Records to Fit (in)Equality Restrictions

rSPARCS — 0.1.1

Sites, Population, and Records Cleaning Skills

rsparkling — 0.2.19

R Interface for H2O Sparkling Water

rsparse — 0.5.2

Statistical Learning on Sparse Matrices

Rspc — 1.2.2

Nelson Rules for Control Charts

rSPDE — 2.3.3

Rational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

RSpectra — 0.16-2

Solvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems

rSpectral —

Spectral Modularity Clustering

RSpincalc — 1.0.2

Conversion Between Attitude Representations of DCM, Euler Angles, Quaternions, and Euler Vectors

rspiro — 0.5

Implementation of Spirometry Equations

rspm — 0.6.0

'RStudio' Package Manager

Rspotify — 0.1.2

Access to Spotify API

rsppfp — 1.0.4

R's Shortest Path Problem with Forbidden Subpaths

rsprite2 — 0.2.1

Identify Distributions that Match Reported Sample Parameters (SPRITE)

rsq — 2.6

R-Squared and Related Measures

RSQL — 0.2.2

Database Agnostic Package to Generate and Process 'SQL' Queries in R

RSQLite — 2.3.7

SQLite Interface for R

RSqlParser — 1.5

Parse 'SQL' Statements

RsqMed — 1.1

Total Mediation Effect Size Measure for High-Dimensional Mediators

RSquaredMI — 0.1.1

R-Squared with Multiply Imputed Data

rSRD — 0.1.7

Sum of Ranking Differences Statistical Test

Rssa — 1.1

A Collection of Methods for Singular Spectrum Analysis

RSSampling — 1.0

Ranked Set Sampling

RsSimulx — 2024.1

Extension of 'lixoftConnectors' for 'Simulx'

RSSL — 0.9.7

Implementations of Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches for Classification

RSSOP — 1.1

Simulation of Supply Reservoir Systems using Standard Operation Policy

RSStest — 1.0

Testing the Equality of Two Means Using RSS and MRSS

RSSthemes — 1.0.0

RSS Palettes and Themes

rstac — 1.0.1

Client Library for SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog

rstack — 1.0.1

Stack Data Type as an 'R6' Class

rstackdeque — 1.1.1

Persistent Fast Amortized Stack and Queue Data Structures

rstan — 2.32.6

R Interface to Stan

rstanarm — 2.32.1

Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan

rstanbdp — 0.0.3

Bayesian Deming Regression for Method Comparison

rstanemax — 0.1.5

Emax Model Analysis with 'Stan'

rstantools — 2.4.0

Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with 'Stan'

RStata — 1.1.1

A Bit of Glue Between R and Stata

rstatix — 0.7.2

Pipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests

rstatscn — 1.1.3

R Interface for China National Data

Rstg — 0.0.1

STG : Feature Selection using STochastic Gates

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