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randomForest — 4.7-1.2

Breiman and Cutlers Random Forests for Classification and Regression

randomForestExplainer — 0.10.1

Explaining and Visualizing Random Forests in Terms of Variable Importance

RandomForestsGLS — 0.1.5

Random Forests for Dependent Data

randomForestSRC — 3.3.1

Fast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification (RF-SRC)

randomForestVIP — 0.1.3

Tune Random Forests Based on Variable Importance & Plot Results

randomGLM — 1.10-1

Random General Linear Model Prediction

randomizationInference — 1.0.4

Flexible Randomization-Based Inference

randomizeBE — 0.3-6

Create a Random List for Crossover Studies

randomizeR — 3.0.2

Randomization for Clinical Trials

randomizr — 1.0.0

Easy-to-Use Tools for Common Forms of Random Assignment and Sampling

randomLCA — 1.1-4

Random Effects Latent Class Analysis

randomMachines — 0.1.0

An Ensemble Modeling using Random Machines

randomNames — 1.6-0.0

Generate Random Given and Surnames

RandomProjectionTest — 0.1.4

Two-Sample Test in High Dimensions using Random Projection

randomUniformForest — 1.1.6

Random Uniform Forests for Classification, Regression and Unsupervised Learning

Randomuseragent — 0.0.1

Filtering and Randomly Sampling Real User-Agent Strings

RandomWalker — 0.1.0

Generate Random Walks Compatible with the 'tidyverse'

RandPro — 0.2.2

Random Projection with Classification

randquotes — 0.1.1

Get Random Quotes from Quotes on Design API

randtests — 1.0.2

Testing Randomness in R

randtoolbox — 2.0.4

Toolbox for Pseudo and Quasi Random Number Generation and Random Generator Tests

RandVar — 1.2.4

Implementation of Random Variables

rang — 0.3.0

Reconstructing Reproducible R Computational Environments

rangeBuilder — 2.1

Occurrence Filtering, Geographic Standardization and Generation of Species Range Polygons

rangeMapper — 2.0.3

A Platform for the Study of Macro-Ecology of Life History Traits

rangeModelMetadata — 0.1.5

Provides Templates for Metadata Files Associated with Species Range Models

ranger — 0.16.0

A Fast Implementation of Random Forests

RanglaPunjab — 2.3.4

Displays Palette of 5 Colors

rank — 0.1.0

Customisable Ranking of Numerical and Categorical Data

RankAggreg — 0.6.6

Weighted Rank Aggregation

RankAggregator — 0.0.1

Aggregation of (Partial) Ordinal Rankings

RankAggSIgFUR — 1.0.0

Polynomially Bounded Rank Aggregation under Kemeny's Axiomatic Approach

Rankcluster — 0.98.0

Model-Based Clustering for Multivariate Partial Ranking Data

rankCorr — 1.0.1

Total, Between-, and Within-Cluster Spearman Rank Correlations for Clustered Data

rankdifferencetest — 2021-11-25

Kornbrot's Rank Difference Test

rankdist — 1.1.4

Distance Based Ranking Models

rankFD — 0.1.1

Rank-Based Tests for General Factorial Designs

rankhazard — 1.1.0

Rank-Hazard Plots

rankICC — 1.0.2

Rank Intraclass Correlation for Clustered Data

RankingProject — 0.4.0

The Ranking Project: Visualizations for Comparing Populations

rankinma — 0.2.2

Rank in Network Meta-Analysis

rankinPlot — 1.1.0

Convenient Plotting for the Modified Rankin Scale and Other Ordinal Outcome Data

RankPCA — 0.1.0

Rank of Variables Based on Principal Component Analysis for Mixed Data Types

rankrate — 1.2.0

Joint Statistical Models for Preference Learning with Rankings and Ratings

RankResponse — 4.0.0

Ranking Responses in a Single Response Question or a Multiple Response Question

RANKS — 1.1

Ranking of Nodes with Kernelized Score Functions

ranktreeEnsemble — 0.23

Ensemble Models of Rank-Based Trees with Extracted Decision Rules

RANN — 2.6.2

Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2 Metric

Rapi — 1.0.5

Interface for Multiple Data Providers 'EDDS' and 'FRED'

rapiclient — 0.1.8

Dynamic OpenAPI/Swagger Client

RApiDatetime — 0.0.9

R API for 'Date' and 'Datetime'

rapidjsonr — 1.2.0

'Rapidjson' C++ Header Files

rapidoc — 9.3.4

Generates 'RapiDoc' Documentation from an 'OpenAPI' Specification

RapidoPGS — 2.3.0

A Fast and Light Package to Compute Polygenic Risk Scores

rapidphylo — 0.1.2

Rapidly Estimates Phylogeny from Large Allele Frequency Data Using Root Distances Method

RapidPolygonLookup — 0.1.1


rapidraker — 0.1.3

Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) Algorithm

rapidsplithalf — 0.3

A Fast Split-Half Reliability Algorithm

rapidxmlr — 0.1.0

'Rapidxml' C++ Header Files

RApiSerialize — 0.1.4

R API Serialization

Rapp — 0.2.0

Easily Build Command Line Applications

RAppArmor — 3.2.5

Bindings to AppArmor and Security Related Linux Tools

rappdirs — 0.3.3

Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs

rapport — 1.1

A Report Templating System

rapportools — 1.1

Miscellaneous (Stats) Helper Functions with Sane Defaults for Reporting

rappsflyer — 0.2.0

Work with AppsFlyer API

rapsimng — 0.4.4

APSIM Next Generation

RAPTOR — 1.0.1

Row and Position Tracheid Organizer

raptr — 1.0.1

Representative and Adequate Prioritization Toolkit in R

raqs — 1.0.2

Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API

RAQSAPI — 2.0.5

A Simple Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System Data Mart API

Raquifer — 0.1.0

Estimate the Water Influx into Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

rar — 0.0.3

Risk-Adjusted Regression

rare — 0.1.1

Linear Model with Tree-Based Lasso Regularization for Rare Features

RareComb — 1.1

Combinatorial and Statistical Analyses of Rare Events

rareNMtests — 1.2

Ecological and Biogeographical Null Model Tests for Comparing Rarefaction Curves

rarestR — 1.1.0

Rarefaction-Based Species Richness Estimator

RARfreq — 0.1.5

Response Adaptive Randomization with 'Frequentist' Approaches

Rarity — 1.3-8

Calculation of Rarity Indices for Species and Assemblages of Species

rarms — 1.0.0

Access Data from the USDA ARMS Data API

rARPACK — 0.11-0

Solvers for Large Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems

RARtrials — 0.0.1

Response-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials

RaschSampler — 0.8-10

Rasch Sampler

rasciidoc — 4.1.1

Create Reports Using R and 'asciidoc'

rasclass — 0.2.2

Supervised Raster Image Classification

RaSEn — 3.0.0

Random Subspace Ensemble Classification and Variable Screening

rassta — 1.0.6

Raster-Based Spatial Stratification Algorithms

raster — 3.6-30

Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling

rasterbc — 1.0.2

Access Forest Ecology Layers for British Columbia in 2001-2018

rasterdiv — 0.3.4

Diversity Indices for Numerical Matrices

rasterDT — 0.3.2

Fast Raster Summary and Manipulation

rasterImage — 0.4.0

An Improved Wrapper of image()

rasterize — 0.1

Rasterize Graphical Output

rasterKernelEstimates — 1.0.2

Kernel Based Estimates on in-Memory Raster Images

rasterList — 0.5.20

A Raster Where Cells are Generic Objects

rasterpdf — 0.1.1

Plot Raster Graphics in PDF Files

rasterpic — 0.2.5

Convert Digital Images into 'SpatRaster' Objects

rasterVis — 0.51.6

Visualization Methods for Raster Data

RAT — 0.3.1

Research Assessment Tools

Rata — 0.0.2

Automated Test Assembly

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