Packages by Quentin Grimonprez

MLGL — 1.0.0

Multi-Layer Group-Lasso

RMixtComp — 4.1.4

Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data

RMixtCompIO — 4.0.11

Minimal Interface of the C++ 'MixtComp' Library for Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data

RMixtCompUtilities — 4.1.6

Utility Functions for 'MixtComp' Outputs

Rankcluster — 0.98.0

Model-Based Clustering for Multivariate Partial Ranking Data

Rmixmod — 2.1.10

Classification with Mixture Modelling

cfda — 0.11.0

Categorical Functional Data Analysis