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1.3.1 by Thomas Lin Pedersen, a year ago,
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Authors: Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports cli, dplyr, igraph, lifecycle, magrittr, pillar, R6, rlang, stats, tibble, tidyr, tools, utils
Suggests ape, covr, data.tree, graph, influenceR, methods, netrankr, NetSwan, network, seriation, testthat
Linking to cpp11
Imported by CKMRpop, GISSB, GeNetIt, NetCoupler, NetFACS, TransProR, akc, bartMan, basket, chemodiv, clustree, clustringr, dyngen, eHDPrep, egor, fastRG, fastnet, ggdag, ggraph, jpgrid, manynet, motifr, mulea, multimedia, numbat, pGRN, particles, phylepic, scholar, scistreer, sfnetworks, stminsights, tall, timbr, whomds.
Depended on by malan.
Suggested by FertNet, amt, arulesViz, atrrr, correlation, crosstalkr, dodgr, ecoCopula, edgebundle, greed, industRial, inferCSN, isotracer, janitor, multinma, see, sfcr, sfdep, visNetwork, vsp.
See at CRAN