Reference manual

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0.20 by Yihui Xie, 2 years ago

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Authors: Yihui Xie [aut, cre] , Romain Lesur [aut, cph] , Brent Thorne [aut] , Xianying Tan [aut] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb] , Atsushi Yasumoto [ctb] , RStudio , PBC [cph] , Adam Hyde [ctb] (paged.js in resources/js/) , Min-Zhong Lu [ctb] (resume.css in resources/css/) , Zulko [ctb] (poster-relaxed.css in resources/css/)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports rmarkdown, bookdown, htmltools, jsonlite, later, processx, servr, httpuv, xfun, websocket

Suggests promises, testit, xaringan, pdftools, revealjs, covr, xml2

System requirements: Pandoc (>= 2.2.3)

Imported by Spectran, dlookr, iheiddown, posterdown.

Suggested by accessr, chronicle, pcutils, psycModel, roughnet, roughsf, trackdown.

See at CRAN