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0.2-17 by Bettina Grün, 8 months ago
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Authors: Bettina Grün [aut, cre] , Kurt Hornik [aut] , David M Blei [ctb, cph] (VEM estimation of LDA and CTM) , John D Lafferty [ctb, cph] (VEM estimation of CTM) , Xuan-Hieu Phan [ctb, cph] (MCMC estimation of LDA) , Makoto Matsumoto [ctb, cph] (Mersenne Twister RNG) , Takuji Nishimura [ctb, cph] (Mersenne Twister RNG) , Shawn Cokus [ctb] (Mersenne Twister RNG)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports stats4, methods, modeltools, slam, tm
Suggests lattice, lda, OAIHarvester, SnowballC
System requirements: GNU Scientific Library version >= 1.8
Imported by Goodreader, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, LDATS, MadanText, MadanTextNetwork, Twitmo, conversim, ldatuning, miRetrieve, oRus, revtools, saotd, tall, topicdoc.
Suggested by LDAvis, TextMiningGUI, corpustools, oolong, seededlda, sentopics, textmineR, tidytext, udpipe.
Enhanced by quanteda.
See at CRAN