Reference manual

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1.2.8 by Graeme L. Hickey, 2 years ago

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Authors: Pete Philipson [aut] , Ines Sousa [aut] , Peter J. Diggle [aut] , Paula Williamson [aut] , Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona [aut] , Robin Henderson [aut] , Graeme L. Hickey [aut, cre] , Maria Sudell [ctb] , Medical Research Council [fnd] (Grant numbers: G0400615 and MR/M013227/1)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 | file LICENSE license

Imports graphics, lattice, MASS, nlme, statmod, stats, utils

Depends on survival

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, covr

Suggested by joineRML.

See at CRAN