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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

collections — 0.3.7

High Performance Container Data Types

collegeScorecard — 0.1.0

US College Scorecard Data

collidr — 0.1.3

Check for Namespace Collisions Across Packages and Functions on CRAN

collin — 0.0.4

Visualization the Effects of Collinearity in Distributed Lag Models and Other Linear Models

collinear — 1.1.1

Seamless Multicollinearity Management

CollocInfer — 1.0.4

Collocation Inference for Dynamic Systems

collpcm — 1.4

Collapsed Latent Position Cluster Model for Social Networks

collUtils — 1.0.5

Auxiliary Package for Package 'CollapsABEL'

colmozzie — 1.1.1

Dengue Cases and Climate Variables in Colombo Sri Lanka

coloc — 5.2.3

Colocalisation Tests of Two Genetic Traits

colocalization — 1.0.2

Normalized Spatial Intensity Correlation

colocalized — 0.2.0

Clusters of Colocalized Sequences

colocPropTest — 0.9.1

Proportional Testing for Colocalisation Analysis

colocr — 0.1.1

Conduct Co-Localization Analysis of Fluorescence Microscopy Images

ColOpenData — 0.3.0

Download Colombian Demographic, Climate and Geospatial Data

colorblindcheck — 1.0.2

Check Color Palettes for Problems with Color Vision Deficiency

colorBlindness — 0.1.9

Safe Color Set for Color Blindness

colorDF — 0.1.7

Colorful Data Frames in R Terminal

colordistance — 1.1.2

Distance Metrics for Image Color Similarity

colorednoise — 1.1.2

Simulate Temporally Autocorrelated Populations

colorfindr — 0.1.4

Extract Colors from Windows BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and SVG Format Images

colorhcplot — 1.3.1

Colorful Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms

colorist — 0.1.3

Coloring Wildlife Distributions in Space-Time

colorizer — 0.1.0

Colorize Old Images Using the 'DeOldify' Image Colorization API

colormap — 0.1.4

Color Palettes using Colormaps Node Module

ColorNameR — 0.1.0

Give Colors a Name

colorpatch — 0.1.2

Optimized Rendering of Fold Changes and Confidence Values

colorplane — 0.5.0

Basic S4 Classes and Methods for Mapping Between Numeric Values and Colors

colorr — 1.0.0

Color Palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL Teams

colorRamp2 — 0.1.0

Generate Color Mapping Functions

colorRamps — 2.3.4

Builds Color Tables

colorrepel — 0.1.0

Repel Visually Similar Colors for Colorblind Users in Various Plots

colors3d — 1.0.1

Generate 2D and 3D Color Palettes

colorscience — 1.0.9

Color Science Methods and Data

colorsGen — 1.0.0

Generation of Random Colors

colorspace — 2.1-1

A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

colorSpec — 1.5-0

Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data

Colossus —

"Risk Model Regression and Analysis with Complex Non-Linear Models"

colouR — 0.1.1

Create Colour Palettes from Images

colourlovers — 0.3.6

R Client for the COLOURlovers API

colourpicker — 1.3.0

A Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots

colourvalues — 0.3.9

Assigns Colours to Values

colourvision — 2.0.4

Colour Vision Models

COLP — 1.0.0

Causal Discovery for Categorical Data with Label Permutation

cols — 1.1

Constrained Ordinary Least Squares

cols4all — 0.7-1

Colors for all

colt — 0.1.1

Command-Line Color Themes

comat — 0.9.5

Creates Co-Occurrence Matrices of Spatial Data

comato — 1.1

Analysis of Concept Maps and Concept Landscapes

COMBAT — 0.0.4

A Combined Association Test for Genes using Summary Statistics

combat.enigma — 1.0

Fit and Apply ComBat Harmonization for ENIGMA

combinat — 0.0-8

combinatorics utilities

combinationpvalues — 0.1.4

Combination of Independent P-Values

combinatorics — 0.1.0

Introduction to Some Combinatorial Relations

combinedevents — 0.1.1

Calculate Scores and Marks for Track and Field Combined Events

CombinePortfolio — 0.4

Estimation of Optimal Portfolio Weights by Combining Simple Portfolio Strategies

combinIT — 2.0.0

A Combined Interaction Test for Unreplicated Two-Way Tables

CombinS — 1.1-1

Construction Methods of some Series of PBIB Designs

combiroc — 0.3.4

Selection and Ranking of Omics Biomarkers Combinations Made Easy

combiter — 1.0.3

Combinatorics Iterators

COMBO — 1.1.0

Correcting Misclassified Binary Outcomes in Association Studies

comclim — 0.9.6

Community Climate Statistics

cometExactTest — 0.1.5

Exact Test from the Combinations of Mutually Exclusive Alterations (CoMEt) Algorithm

cometr — 0.4.0

'Comet' API for R

comets — 0.0-3

Covariance Measure Tests for Conditional Independence

comf — 0.1.12

Models and Equations for Human Comfort Research

comFuncs — 0.0.6

Commonly Used Functions for R Shiny Applications

ComICS — 1.0.4

Computational Methods for Immune Cell-Type Subsets

CoMiRe — 0.8

Convex Mixture Regression

COMIX — 1.0.0

Coarsened Mixtures of Hierarchical Skew Kernels

COMMA — 1.0.0

Correcting Misclassified Mediation Analysis

commafree — 0.2.0

Call Functions Without Commas Between Arguments

CommEcol — 1.8.1

Community Ecology Analyses

CommKern — 1.0.1

Network-Based Communities and Kernel Machine Methods

common — 1.1.3

Solutions for Common Problems in Base R

CommonDataModel — 0.2.0

OMOP CDM DDL and Documentation Generator

CommonJavaJars — 1.1-0

Useful Libraries for Building a Java Based GUI under R

commonmark — 1.9.1

High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R

CommonMean.Copula — 1.0.4

Common Mean Vector under Copula Models

commonsMath — 1.2.8

JAR Files of the Apache Commons Mathematics Library

communication — 0.1

Feature Extraction and Model Estimation for Audio of Human Speech

comorbidity — 1.1.0

Computing Comorbidity Scores

comorbidPGS — 0.3.4

Assessing Predisposition Between Phenotypes using Polygenic Scores

comorosmaps — 1.0.0

Comoro Islands Maps

Comp2ROC — 1.1.4

Compare Two ROC Curves that Intersect

comparator — 0.1.2

Comparison Functions for Clustering and Record Linkage

compare — 0.2-6

Comparing Objects for Differences

compareC — 1.3.2

Compare Two Correlated C Indices with Right-Censored Survival Outcome

CompareCausalNetworks —

Interface to Diverse Estimation Methods of Causal Networks

CompAREdesign — 2.3.1

Statistical Functions for the Design of Studies with Composite Endpoints

compareDF — 2.3.5

Do a Git Style Diff of the Rows Between Two Dataframes with Similar Structure

compareGroups — 4.9.0

Descriptive Analysis by Groups

compareMCMCs — 0.5.0

Compare MCMC Efficiency from 'nimble' and/or Other MCMC Engines

CompareMultipleModels — 0.1.0

Finding the Best Model Using Eight Metrics Values

CompareTests — 1.2

Correct for Verification Bias in Diagnostic Accuracy & Agreement

comparison — 1.0.8

Multivariate Likelihood Ratio Calculation and Evaluation

ComparisonSurv — 1.1.1

Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups

compas — 0.1.1

Conformational Manipulations of Protein Atomic Structures

CompDist — 1.0

Multisection Composite Distributions

comperank — 0.1.1

Ranking Methods for Competition Results

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