All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

ANOFA — 0.1.3

Analyses of Frequency Data

anoint — 1.5

Analysis of Interactions

ANOM — 0.5

Analysis of Means

anomalize — 0.3.0

Tidy Anomaly Detection

anomaly — 4.3.3

Detecting Anomalies in Data

anomo — 0.5.2

Analysis of Moderation with the Monte Carlo Confidence Interval Method

ANOPA — 0.1.3

Analyses of Proportions using Anscombe Transform


Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance

ANOVAShiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance

ANOVAShiny2 — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Analysis of Variance

anovir — 0.1.0

Analysis of Virulence

anscombiser — 1.1.0

Create Datasets with Identical Summary Statistics

ANSM5 — 1.1.1

Functions and Data for the Book "Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods", 5th Edition

AntAngioCOOL — 1.2

Anti-Angiogenic Peptide Prediction

antaresRead — 2.7.2

Import, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation

anthro — 1.0.1

Computation of the WHO Child Growth Standards

anthroplus — 0.9.0

Computation of the WHO 2007 References for School-Age Children and Adolescents (5 to 19 Years)

AnthropMMD — 4.0.3

An R Package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)

Anthropometry — 1.19

Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data

AntibodyTiters — 0.1.24

Antibody Titer Analysis of Vaccinated Patients

anticlust — 0.8.5

Subset Partitioning via Anticlustering

antitrust — 0.99.26

Tools for Antitrust Practitioners

antiword — 1.3.3

Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents

AntMAN — 1.1.0

Anthology of Mixture Analysis Tools

AnxietySleep — 0.0.1

Sleep Quality and Anxiety in Confinement

anybadger — 0.1.0

Create Custom Pipeline Badges

anyflights — 0.3.4

Query 'nycflights13'-Like Air Travel Data for Given Years and Airports

anyLib — 1.0.5

Install and Load Any Package from CRAN, Bioconductor or Github

anytime — 0.3.9

Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter

ao — 1.1.0

Alternating Optimization

AOboot — 0.1.0

Bootstrapping in Different One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA

aod — 1.3.3

Analysis of Overdispersed Data

aoos — 0.5.0

Another Object Orientation System

aopdata — 1.1.0

Data from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'

Aoptbdtvc — 0.0.3

A-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls

aoristic — 1.1.1

Generates Aoristic Probability Distributions

aorsf — 0.1.5

Accelerated Oblique Random Forests

aos — 0.1.0

Animate on Scroll Library for 'shiny'

AOV1R — 0.1.0

Inference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random Factor

AovBay — 0.1.0

Classic, Nonparametric and Bayesian One-Way Analysis of Variance Panel

apa — 0.3.4

Format Outputs of Statistical Tests According to APA Guidelines

apache.sedona — 1.6.1

R Interface for Apache Sedona

ApacheLogProcessor — 0.2.3

Process the Apache Web Server Log Files

APackOfTheClones — 1.2.0

Visualization of Clonal Expansion for Single Cell Immune Profiles

apaTables — 2.0.8

Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables

apaText — 0.1.7

Create R Markdown Text for Results in the Style of the American Psychological Association (APA)

apc — 2.0.0

Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

APCalign — 1.1.0

Resolving Plant Taxon Names Using the Australian Plant Census

APCanalysis — 1.0

Analysis of Unreplicated Orthogonal Experiments using All Possible Comparisons

apcf — 0.3.1

Adapted Pair Correlation Function

APCI — 1.0.8

A New Age-Period-Cohort Model for Describing and Investigating Inter-Cohort Differences and Life Course Dynamics

apcluster — 1.4.13

Affinity Propagation Clustering

aPCoA — 1.3

Covariate Adjusted PCoA Plot

APCtools — 1.0.4

Routines for Descriptive and Model-Based APC Analysis

apdesign — 1.0.0

An Implementation of the Additive Polynomial Design Matrix

ape — 5.8

Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution

aPEAR — 1.0.0

Advanced Pathway Enrichment Analysis Representation

apercu — 0.2.5

Quick Look at your Data

apex — 1.0.6

Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data

apexcharter — 0.4.4

Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'ApexCharts' Library

APFr — 1.0.2

Multiple Testing Approach using Average Power Function (APF) and Bayes FDR Robust Estimation

aphid — 1.3.5

Analysis with Profile Hidden Markov Models

aphylo — 0.3-3

Statistical Inference and Prediction of Annotations in Phylogenetic Trees

api2lm — 0.2

Functions and Data Sets for the Book "A Progressive Introduction to Linear Models"

APIS — 2.0.4

Auto-Adaptive Parentage Inference Software Tolerant to Missing Parents

apisensr — 1.0.0

Interface to 'episensr' for Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results

aplore3 — 0.9

Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied Logistic Regression" (3rd Ed., 2013)

aplot — 0.2.3

Decorate a 'ggplot' with Associated Information

aplotExtra — 0.0.2

Creating Composite Plots using 'aplot'

aplpack — 1.3.5

Another Plot Package: 'Bagplots', 'Iconplots', 'Summaryplots', Slider Functions and Others

apmx — 1.1.1

Automated Population Pharmacokinetic Dataset Assembly

apng — 1.1

Convert Png Files into Animated Png

Apoderoides — 3.0.0

Prioritize and Delete Erroneous Taxa in a Large Phylogenetic Tree

apollo — 0.3.3

Tools for Choice Model Estimation and Application

Apollonius — 1.0.1

2D Apollonius Graphs

appeears — 1.1

Interface to 'AppEEARS' NASA Web Services

APPEstimation — 0.1.1

Adjusted Prediction Model Performance Estimation

appleadsR — 0.1.0

Get Apple Search Ads Data via the '' API

applicable — 0.1.1

A Compilation of Applicability Domain Methods

AppliedPredictiveModeling — 1.1-7

Functions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'

appnn — 1.0-0

Amyloid Propensity Prediction Neural Network

apportion — 0.0.1

Apportion Seats

appRiori — 0.0.5

Code and Obtain Customized Planned Comparisons with 'appRiori'

approximator — 1.2-8

Bayesian Prediction of Complex Computer Codes

approxmatch — 2.0

Approximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple Groups

approxOT — 1.1.1

Approximate and Exact Optimal Transport Methods

appsflyeR — 0.1.0

Get Data from 'Appsflyer' via the '' API

appsheet — 0.1.0

An Interface to the 'AppSheet' API

aprean3 — 1.0.1

Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis" (3rd Ed., 1998)

aprof — 0.4.1

Amdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy

apsimx — 2.8.0

Inspect, Read, Edit and Run 'APSIM' "Next Generation" and 'APSIM' Classic

APtools — 6.8.8

Average Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes and Censored Event Times

apyramid — 0.1.3

Visualize Population Pyramids Aggregated by Age

AQEval — 0.5.7

Air Quality Evaluation

aqfig — 0.9

Display Air Quality Model Output and Monitoring Data

AQLSchemes — 1.7-2

Retrieving Acceptance Sampling Schemes

aqp — 2.0.4

Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology

AquaAnalytix — 0.1.0

Water Quality Analysis

AQuadtree — 1.0.4

Confidentiality of Spatial Point Data

AquaEnv — 1.0-4

Integrated Development Toolbox for Aquatic Chemical Model Generation

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