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wCorr — 1.9.8

Weighted Correlations

wcox — 1.0

Weights to Correct for Outcome Dependent Sampling in Time to Event Data

WDI — 2.7.8

World Development Indicators and Other World Bank Data

wdm — 0.2.4

Weighted Dependence Measures

wdman — 0.2.6

'Webdriver'/'Selenium' Binary Manager

wdnet — 1.2.3

Weighted and Directed Networks

wdnr.gis — 0.1.5

Pull Spatial Layers from 'WDNR ArcGIS REST API'

wdpar — 1.3.7

Interface to the World Database on Protected Areas

weaana — 0.1.1

Analysis the Weather Data

weakARMA — 1.0.3

Tools for the Analysis of Weak ARMA Models

wearables — 0.8.1

Tools to Read and Convert Wearables Data

weatherindices — 0.1.0

Calculate Weather Indices

weathermetrics — 1.2.2

Functions to Convert Between Weather Metrics

weatherOz — 1.0.0

An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources

WeatherSentiment — 1.0

Comprehensive Analysis of Tweet Sentiments and Weather Data

WebAnalytics — 0.9.12

Web Server Log Analysis

webchem — 1.3.0

Chemical Information from the Web

webdav — 0.1.0

A Simple Interface for Interacting with 'WebDAV' Servers

webdeveloper — 1.0.5

Functions for Web Development

webdriver — 1.0.6

'WebDriver' Client for 'PhantomJS'

webexercises — 1.1.0

Create Interactive Web Exercises in 'R Markdown' (Formerly 'webex')

webfakes — 1.3.1

Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing

WebGestaltR — 0.4.6

Gene Set Analysis Toolkit WebGestaltR

webglobe — 1.0.3

3D Interactive Globes

webmap — 1.1.0

Create Interactive Web Maps Using 'The National Map' Services

webmockr — 1.0.0

Stubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests

webp — 1.2.1

A New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression

WebPower — 0.9.4

Basic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis

webr — 0.1.5

Data and Functions for Web-Based Analysis

webreadr — 0.4.0

Tools for Reading Formatted Access Log Files

webSDM — 1.1-5

Including Known Interactions in Species Distribution Models

websearchr — 0.0.3

Access Domains and Search Popular Websites

webshot — 0.5.5

Take Screenshots of Web Pages

webshot2 — 0.1.1

Take Screenshots of Web Pages

websocket — 1.4.2

'WebSocket' Client Library

webtrackR — 0.3.1

Preprocessing and Analyzing Web Tracking Data

webuse — 0.1.3

Import Stata 'webuse' Datasets

webutils — 1.2.2

Utility Functions for Developing Web Applications

wec — 0.4-1

Weighted Effect Coding

weed — 1.1.2

Wrangler for Emergency Events Database

WEGE — 0.1.0

A Metric to Rank Locations for Biodiversity Conservation

wehoop — 2.1.0

Access Women's Basketball Play by Play Data

WeibullFit — 0.1.0

Fits and Plots a Dataset to the Weibull Probability Distribution Function

weibullness — 1.24.1

Goodness-of-Fit Test for Weibull Distribution (Weibullness)

WeibullR — 1.2.1

Weibull Analysis for Reliability Engineering

WeibullR.ALT — 0.7.2

Accelerated Life Testing Using 'WeibullR'

WeibullR.learnr — 0.1.3

An Interactive Introduction to Life Data Analysis

WeibullR.plotly — 0.2.1

Interactive Weibull Probability Plots with 'WeibullR'

WeibullR.shiny — 0.2.1

A 'Shiny' App for Weibull Analysis from 'WeibullR'

weibulltools — 2.1.0

Statistical Methods for Life Data Analysis

Weighted.Desc.Stat — 1.0

Weighted Descriptive Statistics

weightedCL — 0.5

Efficient and Feasible Inference for High-Dimensional Normal Copula Regression Models

WeightedCluster — 1.8-0

Clustering of Weighted Data

WeightedEnsemble — 0.1.0

Weighted Ensemble for Hybrid Model

weightedGCM — 0.1.0

Weighted Generalised Covariance Measure Conditional Independence Test

WeightedPortTest — 1.1

Weighted Portmanteau Tests for Time Series Goodness-of-Fit

weightedRank — 0.3.7

Sensitivity Analysis Using Weighted Rank Statistics

WeightedROC — 2020.1.31

Fast, Weighted ROC Curves

weightedScores —

Weighted Scores Method for Regression Models with Dependent Data

WeightedTreemaps — 0.1.2

Generate and Plot Voronoi or Sunburst Treemaps from Hierarchical Data

WeightIt — 1.3.1

Weighting for Covariate Balance in Observational Studies

weightQuant — 1.0.1

Weights for Incomplete Longitudinal Data and Quantile Regression

weightr — 2.0.2

Estimating Weight-Function Models for Publication Bias

weights — 1.0.4

Weighting and Weighted Statistics

WeightSVM — 1.7-13

Subject Weighted Support Vector Machines

weird — 1.0.2

Functions and Data Sets for "That's Weird: Anomaly Detection Using R" by Rob J Hyndman

weirs — 0.25

A Hydraulics Package to Compute Open-Channel Flow over Weirs

welchADF — 0.3.2

Welch-James Statistic for Robust Hypothesis Testing under Heterocedasticity and Non-Normality

welo — 0.1.4

Weighted and Standard Elo Rates

WeMix — 4.0.3

Weighted Mixed-Effects Models Using Multilevel Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation

wesanderson — 0.3.7

A Wes Anderson Palette Generator

wevid — 0.6.2

Quantifying Performance of a Binary Classifier Through Weight of Evidence

weyl — 0.0-5

The Weyl Algebra

wfe — 1.9.1

Weighted Linear Fixed Effects Regression Models for Causal Inference

wfg — 0.1

Weighted Fast Greedy Algorithm

wfindr — 0.1.0

Crossword, Scrabble and Anagram Solver

wflo — 1.9

Data Set and Helper Functions for Wind Farm Layout Optimization Problems

wgaim — 2.0-6

Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R

WGCNA — 1.73

Weighted Correlation Network Analysis

wget — 0.0.3

Setting Download Method to 'wget'

WGScan — 0.1

A Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework for Whole-Genome Sequence Data Analysis

WgtEff — 0.1.2

Functions for Weighting Effects

WH — 1.1.2

Enhanced Implementation of Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing

WhatIf — 1.5-10

Software for Evaluating Counterfactuals

WhatsR — 1.0.4

Parsing, Anonymizing and Visualizing Exported 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs

whatthreewords — 0.1.3

Work with the 'what3words' API for Easy Location Referencing

wheatmap — 0.2.0

Incrementally Build Complex Plots using Natural Semantics

when — 1.0.0

Definition of Date and Time Dimension Tables

whereami — 0.2.0

Reliably Return the Source and Call Location of a Command

whereport — 0.1

Geolocalization of IATA Codes

whippr — 0.1.3

Tools for Manipulating Gas Exchange Data

whisker — 0.4.1

{{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templating

whitebox — 2.4.0

'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend

whitechapelR — 0.3.0

Advanced Policing Techniques for the Board Game "Letters from Whitechapel"

WhiteLabRt — 1.0.1

Novel Methods for Reproduction Number Estimation, Back-Calculation, and Forecasting

whitening — 1.4.0

Whitening and High-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis

whitestrap — 0.0.1

White Test and Bootstrapped White Test for Heteroskedasticity

WhiteStripe — 2.4.3

White Matter Normalization for Magnetic Resonance Images

whitewater — 0.1.3

Parallel Processing Options for Package 'dataRetrieval'

whoa — 0.0.2

Evaluation of Genotyping Error in Genotype-by-Sequencing Data

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