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1.4.2 by Winston Chang, 4 months ago
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Authors: Winston Chang [aut, cre] , Joe Cheng [aut] , Alan Dipert [aut] , Barbara Borges [aut] , Posit , PBC [cph] , Peter Thorson [ctb, cph] (WebSocket++ library) , René Nyffenegger [ctb, cph] (Base 64 library) , Micael Hildenborg [ctb, cph] (SHA1 library) , Aladdin Enterprises [cph] (MD5 library) , Bjoern Hoehrmann [ctb, cph] (UTF8 Validation library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports R6, later
Suggests httpuv, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown
Linking to cpp11, AsioHeaders, later
System requirements: GNU make, OpenSSL >= 1.0.2
Imported by chromote, okxAPI, pagedown, shinyloadtest.
Suggested by httpuv, shinylight.
See at CRAN