Reference manual

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1.72-5 by Peter Langfelder, 8 months ago

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Authors: Peter Langfelder <[email protected]> and Steve Horvath <[email protected]> with contributions by Chaochao Cai , Jun Dong , Jeremy Miller , Lin Song , Andy Yip , and Bin Zhang

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports stats, grDevices, utils, matrixStats, Hmisc, impute, splines, foreach, doParallel, preprocessCore, survival, parallel, GO.db, AnnotationDbi, Rcpp

Depends on dynamicTreeCut, fastcluster

Suggests,, infotheo, entropy, minet

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by BioM2, DiPALM, DrDimont, FREEtree, MRPC, Patterns, TOmicsVis, eclust, scpoisson.

Suggested by ADAPTS, DDPNA, TRexSelector, fuzzyforest, maGUI, scITD.

Enhanced by dendextend.

See at CRAN