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scMappR — 1.0.11

Single Cell Mapper

scModels — 1.0.4

Fitting Discrete Distribution Models to Count Data

scOntoMatch — 0.1.1

Aligning Ontology Annotation Across Single Cell Datasets with 'scOntoMatch'

scoper — 1.3.0

Spectral Clustering-Based Method for Identifying B Cell Clones

SCOPRO — 0.1.0

Score Projection Between in 'Vivo' and in 'Vitro' Datasets

SCOR — 1.1.2

Spherically Constrained Optimization Routine

score — 1.0.2

A Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires

scorecard — 0.4.4

Credit Risk Scorecard

scorecardModelUtils —

Credit Scorecard Modelling Utils

scoredec — 0.1.0

S-Core Graph Decomposition

ScoreEB — 0.1.1

Score Test Integrated with Empirical Bayes for Association Study

scorematchingad — 0.0.67

Score Matching Estimation by Automatic Differentiation

scorepeak — 0.1.2

Peak Functions for Peak Detection in Univariate Time Series

ScorePlus — 0.1

Implementation of SCORE, SCORE+ and Mixed-SCORE

scoring — 0.6

Proper Scoring Rules

scoringfunctions — 0.0.6

A Collection of Scoring Functions for Assessing Point Forecasts

scoringRules — 1.1.3

Scoring Rules for Parametric and Simulated Distribution Forecasts

scoringutils — 1.2.2

Utilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions

SCORNET — 0.1.1

Semi-Supervised Calibration of Risk with Noisy Event Times

SCORPION — 1.0.2

Single Cell Oriented Reconstruction of PANDA Individual Optimized Networks

SCORPIUS — 1.0.9

Inferring Developmental Chronologies from Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

ScottKnott — 1.3-2

The ScottKnott Clustering Algorithm

ScottKnottESD — 2.0.3

The Scott-Knott Effect Size Difference (ESD) Test

scout — 1.0.4

Implements the Scout Method for Covariance-Regularized Regression

SCOUTer — 1.0.0

Simulate Controlled Outliers

SCperf — 1.1.1

Functions for Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain

scperturbR — 0.1.0

E-Statistics for Seurat Objects

scpi — 2.2.5

Prediction Intervals for Synthetic Control Methods with Multiple Treated Units and Staggered Adoption

scPloidy — 0.6.2

Infer Ploidy of Single Cells

scplot — 0.4.0

Plot Function for Single-Case Data Frames

scpoisson — 0.0.1

Single Cell Poisson Probability Paradigm

SCpubr — 2.0.2

Generate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data

scqe — 1.0.0

Stability Controlled Quasi-Experimentation

scquantum — 1.0.0

Estimate Ploidy and Absolute Copy Number from Single Cell Sequencing

scraEP — 1.2

Scrape the Web with Extra Power

scrapeR — 0.1.8

These Functions Fetch and Extract Text Content from Specified Web Pages

scrappy — 0.0.1

A Simple Web Scraper

ScreenClean — 1.0.1

Screen and clean variable selection procedures

ScreeNOT — 0.1.0

'ScreeNOT': MSE-Optimal Singular Value Thresholding in Correlated Noise

screenshot — 0.9.1

Take Screenshots (Screen Capture) from R Command

scribe — 0.3.0

Command Argument Parsing

scrime — 1.3.5

Analysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Such as SNP Data

SCRIP — 1.0.0

An Accurate Simulator for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

script — 0.1.1

Identify Script Name

scriptexec — 0.3.1

Execute Native Scripts

scriptloc — 1.0.0

Get the Location of the R Script that is Being Sourced/Executed

ScriptMapR — 0.0.3

R Script Visualization in Cytoscape

scriptName — 1.0.1

Determine a Script's Filename from Within the Script Itself

scriptuRs — 0.1.0

Complete Text of the LDS Scriptures

scrm — 1.7.5

Simulating the Evolution of Biological Sequences

ScRNAIMM — 0.1

Performing Single-Cell RNA-Seq Imputation by Using Mean/Median Imputation

scRNAstat — 0.1.1

A Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq Data

scRNAtools — 1.0

Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis Tools

scrobbler — 1.0.3

Download 'Scrobbles' from ''

scrollrevealR — 0.2.0

Animate 'shiny' Elements when They Scroll into View using the 'scrollrevealjs' Library


Robust Supervised Hierarchical Identification of Single Cells

SCRT — 1.3.1

Single-Case Randomization Tests

scrutiny — 0.4.0

Error Detection in Science

scrypt — 0.1.6

Key Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt

scryr — 1.0.0

An Interface to the 'Scryfall' API

scs — 3.2.4

Splitting Conic Solver

scSorter — 0.0.2

Implementation of 'scSorter' Algorithm

scSpatialSIM —

A Point Pattern Simulator for Spatial Cellular Data

scTenifoldKnk — 1.0.1

In-Silico Knockout Experiments from Single-Cell Gene Regulatory Networks

scTenifoldNet — 1.3

Construct and Compare scGRN from Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data

SCtools — 0.3.3

Extensions for Synthetic Controls Analysis

sctransform — 0.4.1

Variance Stabilizing Transformations for Single Cell UMI Data

scuba — 1.11-1

Diving Calculations and Decompression Models

scUtils — 0.1.0

Utility Functions for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

scutr — 0.2.0

Balancing Multiclass Datasets for Classification Tasks

SCVA — 1.3.1

Single-Case Visual Analysis

sda — 1.3.8

Shrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable Selection

SDaA — 0.1-5

Sampling: Design and Analysis

sdafilter — 1.0.0

Symmetrized Data Aggregation

sdam — 1.1.4

Social Dynamics and Complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean

sdamr — 0.2.0

Statistics: Data Analysis and Modelling

SDAR — 0.9-55

Stratigraphic Data Analysis

SDAResources — 0.1.1

Datasets and Functions for 'Sampling: Design and Analysis, 3rd Edition'

sdcHierarchies — 0.21.0

Create and (Interactively) Modify Nested Hierarchies

sdcLog — 0.5.0

Tools for Statistical Disclosure Control in Research Data Centers

sdcMicro — 5.7.8

Statistical Disclosure Control Methods for Anonymization of Data and Risk Estimation

SDCNway — 1.0.1

Tools to Evaluate Disclosure Risk

sdcSpatial — 0.5.2

Statistical Disclosure Control for Spatial Data

sdcTable — 0.32.6

Methods for Statistical Disclosure Control in Tabular Data

sde — 2.0.18

Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations

SDEFSR — 0.7.22

Subgroup Discovery with Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems

sdetorus — 0.1.10

Statistical Tools for Toroidal Diffusions

SDGdetector — 2.7.3

Detect SDGs and Targets in Text

SDLfilter — 2.3.3

Filtering and Assessing the Sample Size of Tracking Data

sdm — 1.2-46

Species Distribution Modelling

sdmpredictors — 0.2.15

Species Distribution Modelling Predictor Datasets

sdmTMB — 0.6.0

Spatial and Spatiotemporal SPDE-Based GLMMs with 'TMB'

SDMtune — 1.3.1

Species Distribution Model Selection

sdmvspecies — 0.3.2

Create Virtual Species for Species Distribution Modelling

SDPDmod — 0.0.5

Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Modeling

sdpdth — 0.2

M-Estimator for Threshold Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model

sdPrior — 1.0-0

Scale-Dependent Hyperpriors in Structured Additive Distributional Regression

sdprisk — 1.1-6

Measures of Risk for the Compound Poisson Risk Process with Diffusion

SDPrism2D — 0.1.1

Visualizing the Standard Deviation as the Size of a Prism

sdpt3r — 0.3

Semi-Definite Quadratic Linear Programming Solver

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