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rpostgis — 1.5.1

R Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database

RPostgres — 1.4.7

C++ Interface to PostgreSQL

RPostgreSQL — 0.7-6

R Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System

rPowerSampleSize — 1.0.2

Sample Size Computations Controlling the Type-II Generalized Family-Wise Error Rate

RPPairwiseDesign — 1.0

Resolvable partially pairwise balanced design and Space-filling design via association scheme

RPPanalyzer — 1.4.9

Reads, Annotates, and Normalizes Reverse Phase Protein Array Data

RPPASPACE — 1.0.10

Reverse-Phase Protein Array Super Position and Concentration Evaluation

rpql — 0.8.1

Regularized PQL for Joint Selection in GLMMs

rPraat — 1.3.2-1

Interface to Praat

rpredictit — 0.1.0

Interface to the 'PredictIt' API

rPref — 1.4.0

Database Preferences and Skyline Computation

RPregression — 0.1.0

A Simple Regression and Plotting Tool

RPresto — 1.4.6

DBI Connector to Presto

rprev — 1.0.5

Estimating Disease Prevalence from Registry Data

rprime — 0.1.2

Functions for Working with 'Eprime' Text Files

rprintf — 0.2.1

Adaptive Builder for Formatted Strings

RprobitB — 1.1.4

Bayesian Probit Choice Modeling

RProbSup — 3.0

Calculates Probability of Superiority

Rprofet — 3.1.1

WOE Transformation and Scorecard Builder

rprofile — 0.4.0

Load Both User-Global and Project-Specific R Profile Configurations

rprojroot — 2.0.4

Finding Files in Project Subdirectories

rprojtree — 1.0.0

Create Folders and Files Structure for Data Science Projects

RProtoBuf — 0.4.22

R Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3)

RPscoring — 0.1.0

Relative Placement Algorithm

rpsftm — 1.2.9

Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Models

RPtests — 0.1.5

Goodness of Fit Tests for High-Dimensional Linear Regression Models

rptR — 0.9.22

Repeatability Estimation for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Data

RPublica — 0.1.3

ProPublica API Client

RPushbullet — 0.3.4

R Interface to the Pushbullet Messaging Service

rpyANTs — 0.0.3

An Alternative Advanced Normalization Tools ('ANTs')

RPyGeo — 1.0.0

ArcGIS Geoprocessing via Python

rpymat — 0.1.7

Easy to Configure an Isolated 'Python' Environment

rqcanon — 0.1.0

Canonical Quantile Regression

rQCC — 2.22.12

Robust Quality Control Chart

rqdatatable — 1.3.3

'rquery' for 'data.table'

RQdeltaCT — 1.3.0

Relative Quantification of Gene Expression using Delta Ct Methods

RQEntangle — 0.1.3

Quantum Entanglement of Bipartite System

rqlm — 2.1-1

Modified Poisson and Least-Squares Regressions for Binary Outcome

rqPen — 4.1.1

Penalized Quantile Regression

rQSAR — 1.0.0

QSAR Modeling with Multiple Algorithms: MLR, PLS, and Random Forest

rqti — 0.3.0

Create Tests According to QTI 2.1 Standard

Rquake — 2.5-1

Seismic Hypocenter Determination

RQuantLib — 0.4.24

R Interface to the 'QuantLib' Library

Rquefts — 1.2-3

Quantitative Evaluation of the Native Fertility of Tropical Soils

rquery — 1.4.99

Relational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at Scale

rr — 1.4.2

Statistical Methods for the Randomized Response Technique

rr2 — 1.1.1

R2s for Regression Models

Rramas — 0.1-6

Matrix Population Models

rrandvec — 1.0.0

Generate Random Vectors Whose Components Sum Up to One

rRAP — 1.1

Real-Time Adaptive Penalization for Streaming Lasso Models

rrapply — 1.2.7

Revisiting Base Rapply

rrat — 1.0.0

Robust Regression with Asymmetric Heavy-Tail Noise Distributions

RRate — 1.0

Estimating Replication Rate for Genome-Wide Association Studies

Rraven — 1.0.14

Connecting R and 'Raven' Sound Analysis Software

rrBLUP — 4.6.3

Ridge Regression and Other Kernels for Genomic Selection

RRBoost — 0.1

A Robust Boosting Algorithm

rrcov — 1.7-6

Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point

rrcov3way — 0.5-0

Robust Methods for Multiway Data Analysis, Applicable also for Compositional Data

rrcovHD — 0.3-1

Robust Multivariate Methods for High Dimensional Data

rrcovNA — 0.5-2

Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point for Incomplete Data

Rrdap — 1.0.7

RDAP Server Querying

rrecsys —

Environment for Evaluating Recommender Systems

rredlist — 0.7.1

'IUCN' Red List Client

RRedshiftSQL — 0.1.2

R Interface to the 'Redshift' Database

rrefine — 2.1.0

r Client for OpenRefine API

rreg — 0.2.1

Visualization for Norwegian Health Quality Registries

rrepast — 0.8.0

Invoke 'Repast Simphony' Simulation Models

Rrepest — 1.3.0

An Analyzer of International Large Scale Assessments in Education

rres — 1.1

Realized Relatedness Estimation and Simulation

RRF — 1.9.4

Regularized Random Forest

RRI — 1.1

Residual Randomization Inference for Regression Models

rriskDistributions — 2.1.2

Fitting Distributions to Given Data or Known Quantiles

rrMixture — 0.1-2

Reduced-Rank Mixture Models

RRMLRfMC — 0.4.0

Reduced-Rank Multinomial Logistic Regression for Markov Chains

RRNA — 1.2

Secondary Structure Plotting for RNA

rrnni — 0.1.1

Manipulate with RNNI Tree Space

rroad — 0.0.5

Road Condition Analysis

rrpack — 0.1-13

Reduced-Rank Regression

RRphylo — 2.8.1

Phylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies

RRPP — 2.0.3

Linear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in a Permutation Procedure

rrr — 1.0.0

Reduced-Rank Regression

RRreg — 0.7.5

Correlation and Regression Analyses for Randomized Response Data

RRRR — 1.1.1

Online Robust Reduced-Rank Regression Estimation

rrscale — 1.0

Robust Re-Scaling to Better Recover Latent Effects in Data

rrtable — 0.3.0

Reproducible Research with a Table of R Codes

RRTCS — 0.0.4

Randomized Response Techniques for Complex Surveys

rrum — 0.2.1

Bayesian Estimation of the Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model with Gibbs Sampling

RSA — 0.10.6

Response Surface Analysis

RSADBE — 1.0

Data related to the book "R Statistical Application Development by Example"

rsae — 0.3

Robust Small Area Estimation

rSAFE — 0.1.4

Surrogate-Assisted Feature Extraction

RSAGA — 1.4.0

SAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis

Rsagacmd — 0.4.3

Linking R with the Open-Source 'SAGA-GIS' Software

rsample — 1.2.1

General Resampling Infrastructure

Rsampling — 0.1.1

Ports the Workflow of "Resampling Stats" Add-in to R

rsat — 0.1.21

Dealing with Multiplatform Satellite Images

RSAtools — 0.1.1

Advanced Response Surface Analysis

rsatscan — 1.0.8

Tools, Classes, and Methods for Interfacing with 'SaTScan' Stand-Alone Software

RSauceLabs — 0.1.6

R Wrapper for 'SauceLabs' REST API

RSBJson — 1.1.2

Handle R Requests from R Service Bus Applications with JSON Payloads

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