All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

quantspec — 1.2-4

Quantile-Based Spectral Analysis of Time Series

QuantumOps — 3.0.1

Performs Common Linear Algebra Operations Used in Quantum Computing and Implements Quantum Algorithms

quarks — 1.1.4

Simple Methods for Calculating and Backtesting Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall

quarrint — 1.0.0

Interaction Prediction Between Groundwater and Quarry Extension Using Discrete Choice Models and Artificial Neural Networks

Quartet — 1.2.6

Comparison of Phylogenetic Trees Using Quartet and Split Measures

quartets — 0.1.1

Datasets to Help Teach Statistics

quarto — 1.4.4

R Interface to 'Quarto' Markdown Publishing System

quaxnat — 1.0.0

Estimation of Natural Regeneration Potential

QuClu — 1.0.1

Quantile-Based Clustering Algorithms

queryBuilder — 0.1.0

Programmatic Way to Construct Complex Filtering Queries

queryparser — 0.3.2

Translate 'SQL' Queries into 'R' Expressions

queryup — 1.0.5

Query the 'UniProtKB' REST API

quest — 0.2.0

Prepare Questionnaire Data for Analysis

questionr — 0.7.8

Functions to Make Surveys Processing Easier

QuESTr — 0.1.1

Constructing Quantitative Environment Sensor using Transcriptomes

queuecomputer — 1.2.0

Computationally Efficient Queue Simulation

queueing — 0.2.12

Analysis of Queueing Networks and Models

quickblock — 0.2.2

Quick Threshold Blocking

quickcheck — 0.1.3

Property Based Testing

quickcode — 1.0.0

Quick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better Scripts

QuickJSR — 1.4.0

Interface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' Engine

quickmatch — 0.2.3

Quick Generalized Full Matching

quickNmix — 1.1.1

Asymptotic N-Mixture Model Fitting

quickPlot — 1.0.2

A System of Plotting Optimized for Speed and Modularity

quickpsy —

Fits Psychometric Functions for Multiple Groups

quickPWCR — 1.0

Quickly construct and rating large binary pairwiesd comparisons

quickReg — 1.5.0

Build Regression Models Quickly and Display the Results Using 'ggplot2'

quickregression — 0.2

Quick Linear Regression

QuICSeedR — 0.1.2

Analyze Data for Fluorophore-Assisted Seed Amplification Assays

quid — 0.0.1

Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences

quiddich — 1.0.0

QUick IDentification of DIagnostic CHaracters

quietR — 0.1.0

Simplify Output Verbosity

quiltr — 0.1.0

Qualtrics for Labelling Text using R

quincunx — 0.1.7

REST API Client for the 'PGS' Catalog

quint — 2.2.2

Qualitative Interaction Trees

quollr — 0.1.1

Visualising How Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Warps Your Data

quoradsR — 0.1.0

Get 'Quora' Ads Data via the '' API

quotedargs — 0.1.3

A Way of Writing Functions that Quote their Arguments

quRan — 0.1.0

Complete Text of the Qur'an

QurvE — 1.1.1

Robust and User-Friendly Analysis of Growth and Fluorescence Curves

Qval — 1.0.0

The Q-Matrix Validation Methods Framework

qvcalc — 1.0.3

Quasi Variances for Factor Effects in Statistical Models

qvirus — 0.0.2

Quantum Computing for Analyzing CD4 Lymphocytes and Antiretroviral Therapy

qwalkr — 0.1.0

Handle Continuous-Time Quantum Walks with R

QWDAP — 1.1.18

Quantum Walk-Based Data Analysis and Prediction

qwraps2 — 0.6.0

Quick Wraps 2

QZ — 0.2-3

Generalized Eigenvalues and QZ Decomposition

r.blip — 1.1

Bayesian Network Learning Improved Project

R.cache — 0.16.0

Fast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects and Results to Speed Up Computations

R.devices — 2.17.2

Unified Handling of Graphics Devices

R.filesets — 2.15.1

Easy Handling of and Access to Files Organized in Structured Directories

R.huge — 0.10.1

Methods for Accessing Huge Amounts of Data [deprecated]

r.jive — 2.4

Perform JIVE Decomposition for Multi-Source Data

R.matlab — 3.7.0

Read and Write MAT Files and Call MATLAB from Within R

R.methodsS3 — 1.8.2

S3 Methods Simplified

R.oo — 1.26.0

R Object-Oriented Programming with or without References

r.proxy — 0.1.3

Set Proxy in R Console

R.rsp — 0.46.0

Dynamic Generation of Scientific Reports

R.temis — 0.1.3

Integrated Text Mining Solution

R.utils — 2.12.3

Various Programming Utilities

R0 — 1.3-1

Estimation of R0 and Real-Time Reproduction Number from Epidemics

r02pro — 0.2

R Programming: Zero to Pro

R1magic — 0.3.4

Compressive Sampling: Sparse Signal Recovery Utilities

R2Addhaz — 0.1.0

R2 Measure of Explained Variation under the Additive Hazards Model

R2admb —

'ADMB' to R Interface Functions

R2BayesX — 1.1-5

Estimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'

R2BEAT — 1.0.5

Multistage Sampling Allocation and Sample Selection

r2country —

Country Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations, Time, Languages and so on

r2d2 — 1.0.1

Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Confidence Region and Frequency Distribution

r2d3 — 0.2.6

Interface to 'D3' Visualizations

r2dictionary — 0.2

A Mini-Dictionary for 'R', 'Shiny' and 'Rmarkdown' Documents

r2dii.analysis — 0.4.0

Measure Climate Scenario Alignment of Corporate Loans — 0.6.0

Datasets to Measure the Alignment of Corporate Loan Books with Climate Goals

r2dii.match — 0.2.1

Tools to Match Corporate Lending Portfolios with Climate Data

r2dii.plot — 0.4.0

Visualize the Climate Scenario Alignment of a Financial Portfolio

R2DT — 0.2

Translation of Base R-Like Functions for 'data.table' Objects

r2fireworks — 0.1.0

Enhance Your 'Rmarkdown' and 'shiny' Apps with Dazzling Fireworks Celebrations

r2glmm — 0.1.2

Computes R Squared for Mixed (Multilevel) Models

R2HTML — 2.3.4

HTML Exportation for R Objects

R2jags — 0.8-5

Using R to Run 'JAGS'

r2mlm — 0.3.7

R-Squared Measures for Multilevel Models

R2MLwiN — 0.8-9

Running 'MLwiN' from Within R

R2OpenBUGS — 3.2-3.2.1

Running OpenBUGS from R

r2pmml — 0.28.0

Convert R Models to PMML

R2PPT — 2.2.0

Simple R Interface to Microsoft PowerPoint using RDCOMClient

r2pptx — 0.1.0

Object Oriented R -> PowerPoint

r2r — 0.1.1

R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps

r2redux — 1.0.17

R2 Statistic

r2resize — 1.9.1

In-Text Resize for Images, Tables and Fancy Resize Containers in 'shiny', 'rmarkdown' and 'quarto' Documents

R2ROC — 1.0.1

AUC Statistics

r2rtf — 1.1.1

Easily Create Production-Ready Rich Text Format (RTF) Table and Figure

R2sample — 1.1.0

Two Sample Problem Routines using Permutation

r2shortcode — 0.2

Shorten Function Names of Functions in Another Package and Create an Index to Make Them Accessible

r2social — 1.2.1

Seamless Integration of Sharing and Connect Buttons in Markdown and Apps

r2spss — 0.3.2

Format R Output to Look Like SPSS

r2stl — 1.0.3

Visualizing Data using a 3D Printer

r2sundials — 6.5.0-5

Wrapper for 'SUNDIALS' Solving ODE and Sensitivity Problem

r2symbols — 1.4

Symbols for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny' Application

R2ucare — 1.0.2

Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Capture-Recapture Models

R2wd — 1.5

Write MS-Word documents from R

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