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NetIndices —

Estimating Network Indices, Including Trophic Structure of Foodwebs in R

NetInt — 1.0.0

Methods for Unweighted and Weighted Network Integration

NetLogoR — 1.0.5

Build and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models

netmap — 0.1.4

Represent Network Objects on a Map

netmediate — 1.0.1

Micro-Macro Analysis for Social Networks

netmeta — 2.9-0

Network Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods

netmhc2pan — 1.3.2

Interface to 'NetMHCIIpan'

NetMix —

Dynamic Mixed-Membership Network Regression Model

NetOrigin — 1.1-6

Origin Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks

netplot — 0.3-0

Beautiful Graph Drawing

NetPreProc — 1.2

Network Pre-Processing and Normalization

netrankr — 1.2.3

Analyzing Partial Rankings in Networks

netregR — 1.0.1

Regression of Network Responses

NetRep — 1.2.7

Permutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across Datasets

netropy — 0.2.0

Statistical Entropy Analysis of Network Data

nets — 0.9.1

Network Estimation for Time Series

netseer — 0.1.0

Graph Prediction from a Graph Time Series

netseg — 1.0-2

Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily

netSEM — 0.6.2

Network Structural Equation Modeling

netShiny — 1.0

Tool for Comparison and Visualization of Multiple Networks

NetSimR — 0.1.5

Actuarial Functions for Non-Life Insurance Modelling

netstat — 0.1.2

Retrieve Network Statistics Including Available TCP Ports

NetSwan — 0.1

Network Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

nett — 1.0.0

Network Analysis and Community Detection

nettskjemar — 0.1.4

Connect to the '' API of the University of Oslo

netUtils — 0.8.2

A Collection of Tools for Network Analysis

NetWeaver — 0.0.6

Graphic Presentation of Complex Genomic and Network Data Analysis

network — 1.18.2

Classes for Relational Data

networkABC — 0.8-1

Network Reverse Engineering with Approximate Bayesian Computation

NetworkChange — 0.8

Bayesian Package for Network Changepoint Analysis

NetworkComparisonTest — 2.2.2

Statistical Comparison of Two Networks Based on Several Invariance Measures

NetworkComparr —

Statistical Comparison of Networks

networkD3 — 0.4

D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R

NetworkDistance — 0.3.4

Distance Measures for Networks

networkDynamic — 0.11.4

Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects

networkDynamicData — 0.2.1

Dynamic (Longitudinal) Network Datasets

NetworkExtinction — 1.0.3

Extinction Simulation in Ecological Networks

networkGen — 0.1.1

Network Maze Generator

NetworkInference — 1.2.4

Inferring Latent Diffusion Networks

networkLite — 1.0.5

An Simplified Implementation of the 'network' Package Functionality

networkR — 0.1.2

Network Analysis and Visualization

NetworkReg — 1.1

Regression Model on Network-Linked Data with Statistical Inference

NetworkRiskMeasures — 0.1.4

Risk Measures for (Financial) Networks

networkscaleup — 0.1-2

Network Scale-Up Models for Aggregated Relational Data

NetworkToolbox — 1.4.2

Methods and Measures for Brain, Cognitive, and Psychometric Network Analysis

networktools — 1.5.2

Tools for Identifying Important Nodes in Networks

networktree — 1.0.1

Recursive Partitioning of Network Models

NeuralEstimators — 0.1.0

Likelihood-Free Parameter Estimation using Neural Networks

neuralGAM — 1.1.1

Interpretable Neural Network Based on Generalized Additive Models

neuralnet — 1.44.2

Training of Neural Networks

NeuralNetTools — 1.5.3

Visualization and Analysis Tools for Neural Networks

NeuralSens — 1.1.3

Sensitivity Analysis of Neural Networks

neurobase — 1.32.4

'Neuroconductor' Base Package with Helper Functions for 'nifti' Objects

neuroblastoma — 2023.9.3

Neuroblastoma Copy Number Profiles

neurocInstall — 0.12.0

'Neuroconductor' Installer

NeuroDecodeR — 0.2.0

Decode Information from Neural Activity

neurohcp — 0.9.0

Human 'Connectome' Project Interface

neuroim — 0.0.6

Data Structures and Handling for Neuroimaging Data

neuroimaGene — 0.1.1

Transcriptomic Atlas of Neuroimaging Derived Phenotypes

neuromplex — 1.0-1

Neural Multiplexing Analysis

neuronorm — 1.0.2

Preprocessing of Structural MRI for Multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases

neuRosim — 0.2-14

Simulate fMRI Data

neuroUp — 0.3.1

Plan Sample Size for Task fMRI Research using Bayesian Updating

neutralitytestr — 0.0.3

Test for a Neutral Evolutionary Model in Cancer Sequencing Data

nevada — 0.2.0

Network-Valued Data Analysis

neverhpfilter — 0.4-0

An Alternative to the Hodrick-Prescott Filter

new.dist — 0.1.1

Alternative Continuous and Discrete Distributions

Newdistns — 2.1

Computes Pdf, Cdf, Quantile and Random Numbers, Measures of Inference for 19 General Families of Distributions

newFocus — 1.1

True Discovery Guarantee by Combining Partial Closed Testings

newIMVC — 0.1.0

A Robust Integrated Mean Variance Correlation

NewmanOmics — 1.0.11

Extending the Newman Studentized Range Statistic to Transcriptomics

newsanchor — 0.1.1

Client for the News API

newscatcheR — 0.1.2

Programmatically Collect Normalized News from (Almost) Any Website

newsmap — 0.9.0

Semi-Supervised Model for Geographical Document Classification

newsmd — 0.5.1

Creation of File

newTestSurvRec — 1.0.2

Statistical Tests to Compare Curves with Recurrent Events

nextGenShinyApps — 2.1

Craft Exceptional 'R Shiny' Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools

nexus — 0.3.0

Sourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical Composition

nFactors —

Parallel Analysis and Other Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test

NFCP — 1.2.1

N-Factor Commodity Pricing Through Term Structure Estimation

nfer — 1.1.3

Event Stream Abstraction using Interval Logic

nfl4th — 1.0.4

Functions to Calculate Optimal Fourth Down Decisions in the National Football League

nflfastR — 4.6.1

Functions to Efficiently Access NFL Play by Play Data

nflplotR — 1.4.0

NFL Logo Plots in 'ggplot2' and 'gt'

nflreadr — 1.4.1

Download 'nflverse' Data

nflseedR — 1.2.0

Functions to Efficiently Simulate and Evaluate NFL Seasons

NFLSimulatoR — 0.4.0

Simulating Plays and Drives in the NFL

nflverse — 1.0.3

Easily Install and Load the 'nflverse'

nftbart — 2.1

Nonparametric Failure Time Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

nFunNN — 1.0

Nonlinear Functional Principal Component Analysis using Neural Networks

NFWdist — 0.1.0

The Standard Distribution Functions for the 3D NFW Profile

ngboostForecast — 0.1.1

Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

NGBVS — 0.3.0

Bayesian Variable Selection for SNP Data using Normal-Gamma

NGCHM — 1.0.3

Next Generation Clustered Heat Maps

NGLVieweR — 1.3.1

Interactive 3D Visualization of Molecular Structures

ngram — 3.2.3

Fast n-Gram 'Tokenization'

ngramr — 1.9.3

Retrieve and Plot Google n-Gram Data

ngramrr — 0.2.0

A Simple General Purpose N-Gram Tokenizer

ngspatial — 1.2-2

Fitting the Centered Autologistic and Sparse Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Areal Data

NHANES — 2.1.0

Data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Study

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