All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

easynls — 5.0

Easy Nonlinear Model

easyORtables — 0.0.1

Easy Odds Ratio Tables

easypackages — 0.1.0

Easy Loading and Installing of Packages

easypower — 1.0.2

Sample Size Estimation for Experimental Designs

easyPSID — 0.1.2

Reading, Formatting, and Organizing the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)

easyPubMed — 2.13

Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed

easyr — 0.5-11

Helpful Functions from Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting

easyreg — 4.0

Easy Regression

easySdcTable — 1.0.7

Easy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package 'sdcTable' Extended with Own Implementation of 'GaussSuppression'

easystats — 0.7.3

Framework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization, and Reporting

easysurv — 2.0.1

Simplify Survival Data Analysis and Model Fitting

easySVG — 0.1.0

An Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator

easyVerification — 0.4.5

Ensemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets

eat — 0.1.4

Efficiency Analysis Trees

eatATA — 1.1.2

Create Constraints for Small Test Assembly Problems

eatDB — 0.5.0

Spreadsheet Interface for Relational Databases

eatGADS — 1.1.0

Data Management of Large Hierarchical Data

EATME — 0.1.0

Exponentially Weighted Moving Average with Adjustments to Measurement Error

eatRep — 0.14.7

Educational Assessment Tools for Replication Methods

eatTools — 0.7.6

Miscellaneous Functions for the Analysis of Educational Assessments

eba — 1.10-0

Elimination-by-Aspects Models

ebal — 0.1-8

Entropy Reweighting to Create Balanced Samples

EBASE — 1.1.0

Estuarine Bayesian Single-Station Estimation Method for Ecosystem Metabolism

EbayesThresh — 1.4-12

Empirical Bayes Thresholding and Related Methods

EBCHS — 0.1.0

An Empirical Bayes Method for Chi-Squared Data

ebci — 1.0.0

Robust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals

EBcoBART — 1.1.0

Co-Data Learning for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

ebdbNet — 1.2.8

Empirical Bayes Estimation of Dynamic Bayesian Networks

EBEN — 5.1

Empirical Bayesian Elastic Net

ebGenotyping — 2.0.1

Genotyping and SNP Detection using Next Generation Sequencing Data

EBglmnet — 6.0

Empirical Bayesian Lasso and Elastic Net Methods for Generalized Linear Models

ebirdst — 3.2022.3

Access and Analyze eBird Status and Trends Data Products

EBMAforecast — 1.0.32

Estimate Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging Forecasts using Gibbs Sampling or EM-Algorithms

ebmc — 1.0.1

Ensemble-Based Methods for Class Imbalance Problem

ebmstate — 0.1.4

Empirical Bayes Multi-State Cox Model

ebnm — 1.1-2

Solve the Empirical Bayes Normal Means Problem

EBPRS — 2.1.0

Derive Polygenic Risk Score Based on Emprical Bayes Theory

EBrank — 1.0.0

Empirical Bayes Ranking

ebreg — 0.1.3

Implementation of the Empirical Bayes Method

eBsc — 4.17

"Empirical Bayes Smoothing Splines with Correlated Errors"

ebTobit — 1.0.2

Empirical Bayesian Tobit Matrix Estimation

ebvcube — 0.2.3

Working with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variables

ec50estimator — 0.1.0

An Automated Way to Estimate EC50 for Stratified Datasets

ecan — 0.2.1

Ecological Analysis and Visualization

eCAR — 0.1.2

Eigenvalue CAR Models

ecb — 0.4.2

Programmatic Access to the European Central Bank's Statistical Data Warehouse

ecce — 3.0.2

Translate English Sentence into Chinese, or Translate Chinese Sentence into English

Ecdat — 0.4-2

Data Sets for Econometrics

ecdfHT — 0.1.1

Empirical CDF for Heavy Tailed Data

eCerto — 0.5.14

Statistical Tests for the Production of Reference Materials

ecespa — 1.1-17

Functions for Spatial Point Pattern Analysis

Ecfun — 0.3-2

Functions for 'Ecdat'

ECGofTestDx — 0.4

A Goodness-of-Fit Test for Elliptical Distributions with Diagnostic Capabilities

ech — 0.1.3

Downloading and Processing Microdata from ECH-INE (Uruguay)

ECharts2Shiny — 0.2.13

Embedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library into Shiny Applications

echarts4r — 0.4.5

Create Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5

echarty — 1.6.4

Minimal R/Shiny Interface to JavaScript Library 'ECharts'

echelon — 0.2.0

The Echelon Analysis and the Detection of Spatial Clusters using Echelon Scan Method

eChem — 1.0.0

Simulations for Electrochemistry Experiments

echo — 0.1.0

Echo Code Evaluations

echo.find — 4.0.1

Finding Rhythms Using Extended Circadian Harmonic Oscillators (ECHO)

echogram — 0.1.2

Echogram Visualisation and Analysis

echoice2 — 0.2.4

Choice Models with Economic Foundation

echor — 0.1.9

Access EPA 'ECHO' Data

ecic — 0.0.3

Extended Changes-in-Changes

ecipex — 1.1

Efficient Calculation of Fine Structure Isotope Patterns via Fourier Transforms of Simplex-Based Elemental Models

ECLRMC — 1.0

Ensemble Correlation-Based Low-Rank Matrix Completion

eclust — 0.1.0

Environment Based Clustering for Interpretable Predictive Models in High Dimensional Data

ecm — 7.2.0

Build Error Correction Models

ecmwfr — 2.0.2

Interface to 'ECMWF' and 'CDS' Data Web Services

ecocbo — 0.12.0

Calculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community Ecology

ecochange —

Integrating Ecosystem Remote Sensing Products to Derive EBV Indicators

ecocomDP — 1.3.2

Tools to Create, Use, and Convert ecocomDP Data

ecoCopula — 1.0.2

Graphical Modelling and Ordination using Copulas

ecode — 0.1.0

Ordinary Differential Equation Systems in Ecology

EcoDiet — 2.0.1

Estimating a Diet Matrix from Biotracer and Stomach Content Data

ecodist — 2.1.3

Dissimilarity-Based Functions for Ecological Analysis

EcoEnsemble — 1.1.0

A General Framework for Combining Ecosystem Models

Ecohydmod — 1.0.0

Ecohydrological Modelling

EcoIndR — 2.0

Ecological Indicators

ECoL — 0.3.0

Complexity Measures for Supervised Problems

ecolMod —

"A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling - Using R as a Simulation Platform"

ecolottery — 1.0.0

Coalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological Communities

ecolRxC — 0.1.1-10

Ecological Inference of RxC Tables by Latent Structure Approaches

ecolTest — 0.0.1

Community Ecology Tests

EconAndProdEfficiency — 0.1.0

Economic and Production Efficiency

EconDemand — 1.0

General Analysis of Various Economics Demand Systems

econet —

Estimation of Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures

EcoNetGen — 0.2.4

Simulate and Sample from Ecological Interaction Networks

econetwork — 0.7.0

Analyzing Ecological Networks

EconGeo — 2.0

Computing Key Indicators of the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities

economiccomplexity — 1.5.0

Computational Methods for Economic Complexity

econullnetr — 0.2.1

Null Model Analysis for Ecological Networks

ecopower — 0.2.0

Power Estimates and Equivalence Testing for Multivariate Data

ecoreg — 0.2.5

Ecological Regression using Aggregate and Individual Data

ecoregime — 0.2.0

Analysis of Ecological Dynamic Regimes

ecorest — 2.0.0

Conducts Analyses Informing Ecosystem Restoration Decisions

ecos — 0.1.6

Economic Statistics System of the Bank of Korea

ecosim — 1.3-4

Toolbox for Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling

ECOSolveR — 0.5.5

Embedded Conic Solver in R

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