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0.4.5 by Jonas Bhend, 2 years ago,
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Authors: MeteoSwiss [aut, cph] , Jonas Bhend [cre] , Jacopo Ripoldi [ctb] , Claudia Mignani [ctb] , Irina Mahlstein [ctb] , Rebecca Hiller [ctb] , Christoph Spirig [ctb] , Mark Liniger [ctb] , Andreas Weigel [ctb] , Joaqu'in Bedia Jimenez [ctb] , Matteo De Felice [ctb] , Stefan Siegert [ctb] , Katrin Sedlmeier [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports pbapply, Rcpp
Depends on SpecsVerification, stats, utils
Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, parallel, R.rsp, verification
Linking to Rcpp
Imported by s2dv.
Depended on by CSTools.
See at CRAN