Rui Costa [aut, cre]
Moritz Gerstung [aut]
Terry M Therneau [ctb] (author of 'survival'
a package from which code
parts were copied)
Thomas Lumley [ctb] (contributor to 'survival'
a package from which
code parts were copied)
Hein Putter [ctb] (co-author of 'mstate'
a package from which code
parts were copied)
Liesbeth de Wreede [ctb] (co-author of 'mstate'
a package from which
code parts were copied)
Marta Fiocco [ctb] (co-author of 'mstate'
a package from which code
parts were copied)
Ronald Geskus [ctb] (contributor to 'mstate'
a package from which code
parts were copied)