Reference manual

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1.3.0 by Christopher Paciorek, 2 months ago,

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Authors: Perry de Valpine [aut] , Christopher Paciorek [aut, cre] , Daniel Turek [aut] , Nick Michaud [aut] , Cliff Anderson-Bergman [aut] , Fritz Obermeyer [aut] , Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes [aut] (Bayesian nonparametrics system) , Abel Rodríguez [aut] (Bayesian nonparametrics system) , Duncan Temple Lang [aut] (packaging configuration) , Wei Zhang [aut] (Laplace approximation) , Sally Paganin [aut] (reversible jump MCMC) , Joshua Hug [aut] (WAIC) , Paul van Dam-Bates [aut] (AGHQ approximation , Pólya-Gamma sampler , nimIntegrate) , Jagadish Babu [ctb] (code for the compilation system for an early version of NIMBLE) , Lauren Ponisio [ctb] (contributions to the cross-validation code) , Peter Sujan [ctb] (multivariate t distribution code)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE | GPL (>= 2) license

Imports methods, igraph, coda, R6, pracma, numDeriv

Suggests testthat, mcmcse, nloptr

System requirements: GNU make

Imported by InvStablePrior, saeHB, scPloidy.

Depended on by BayesNSGP, Xcertainty, baorista, bcgam, compareMCMCs, nimbleAPT, nimbleCarbon, nimbleEcology, nimbleHMC, nimbleNoBounds, nimbleSCR, nimbleSMC.

Suggested by bridgesampling, camtrapR, postpack, runMCMCbtadjust.

See at CRAN