Perry de Valpine [aut]
Christopher Paciorek [aut, cre]
Daniel Turek [aut]
Nick Michaud [aut]
Cliff Anderson-Bergman [aut]
Fritz Obermeyer [aut]
Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes [aut] (Bayesian nonparametrics system)
Abel Rodríguez [aut] (Bayesian nonparametrics system)
Duncan Temple Lang [aut] (packaging configuration)
Wei Zhang [aut] (Laplace approximation)
Sally Paganin [aut] (reversible jump MCMC)
Joshua Hug [aut] (WAIC)
Paul van Dam-Bates [aut] (AGHQ approximation
Pólya-Gamma sampler
Jagadish Babu [ctb] (code for the compilation system for an early
version of NIMBLE)
Lauren Ponisio [ctb] (contributions to the cross-validation code)
Peter Sujan [ctb] (multivariate t distribution code)