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BSL — 3.2.5

Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood

bslib — 0.8.0

Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'

BsMD — 2023.920

Bayes Screening and Model Discrimination

bsnsing — 1.0.1

Build Decision Trees with Optimal Multivariate Splits

BSPADATA — 1.1.0

Bayesian Proposal to Fit Spatial Econometric Models

BSPBSS — 1.0.5

Bayesian Spatial Blind Source Separation

bspcov — 1.0.0

Bayesian Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix

bspec — 1.6

Bayesian Spectral Inference

bspline — 2.2.2

B-Spline Interpolation and Regression

bsplinePsd — 0.6.0

Bayesian Nonparametric Spectral Density Estimation Using B-Spline Priors

bsplus — 0.1.4

Adds Functionality to the R Markdown + Shiny Bootstrap Framework

bspm — 0.5.7

Bridge to System Package Manager

bspmma — 0.1-2

Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-Analysis

bsreg — 0.0.2

Bayesian Spatial Regression Models

BSS — 0.1.0

Brownian Semistationary Processes

BSSasymp — 1.2-3

Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and Unmixing Matrix Estimates

bssm — 2.0.2

Bayesian Inference of Non-Linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models

bssn — 1.0

Birnbaum-Saunders Model

BSSoverSpace — 0.1.0

Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatial Data using Eigen Analysis

BSSprep — 0.1

Whitening Data as Preparation for Blind Source Separation

bst — 0.3-24

Gradient Boosting

bsTools — 1.0.5

Create HTML Content with Bootstrap 5 Classes and Layouts

bstrl — 1.0.2

Bayesian Streaming Record Linkage

bsts — 0.9.10

Bayesian Structural Time Series

bsub — 1.1.0

Submitter and Monitor of the 'LSF Cluster'

bsvars — 3.1

Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models

bsvarSIGNs — 1.0.1

Bayesian SVARs with Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions

BSW — 0.1.1

Fitting a Log-Binomial Model using the Bekhit-Schöpe-Wagenpfeil (BSW) Algorithm

bsynth — 1.0

Bayesian Synthetic Control

BT — 0.4

(Adaptive) Boosting Trees Algorithm

btb — 0.2.0

Beyond the Border - Kernel Density Estimation for Urban Geography

BTdecayLasso — 0.1.1

Bradley-Terry Model with Exponential Time Decayed Log-Likelihood and Adaptive Lasso

btergm — 1.10.12

Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models by Bootstrapped Pseudolikelihood

BTLLasso — 0.1-13

Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

BTM — 0.3.7

Biterm Topic Models for Short Text

BTSPAS — 2024.5.9

Bayesian Time-Stratified Population Analysis

BTSR — 0.1.5

Bounded Time Series Regression

BTtest — 0.10.3

Estimate the Number of Factors in Large Nonstationary Datasets

BTYD — 2.4.3

Implementing BTYD Models with the Log Sum Exp Patch

BTYDplus — 1.2.0

Probabilistic Models for Assessing and Predicting your Customer Base

bubbleHeatmap — 0.1.1

Produces 'bubbleHeatmap' Plots for Visualising Metabolomics Data

bubblyr — 0.1.2

Beautiful Bubbles for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' Backgrounds

BUCSS — 1.2.1

Bias and Uncertainty Corrected Sample Size

Buddle — 2.0.1

A Deep Learning for Statistical Classification and Regression Analysis with Random Effects

buildmer — 2.11

Stepwise Elimination and Term Reordering for Mixed-Effects Regression

buildr — 0.1.1

Organize & Run Build Scripts Comfortably

BuildSys — 1.1.2

System for Building and Debugging C/C++ Dynamic Libraries

bujar — 0.2-11

Buckley-James Regression for Survival Data with High-Dimensional Covariates

bulkAnalyseR — 1.1.0

Interactive Shiny App for Bulk Sequencing Data

bulkQC — 1.1

Quality Control and Outlier Identification in Bulk for Multicenter Trials

bulkreadr — 1.1.1

The Ultimate Tool for Reading Data in Bulk

bulletcp — 1.0.0

Automatic Groove Identification via Bayesian Changepoint Detection

bulletr — 0.1

Algorithms for Matching Bullet Lands

bullishTrader — 1.0.1

Bullish Trading Strategies Through Graphs

bullseye — 0.1.0

Visualising Multiple Pairwise Variable Correlations and Other Scores

bullwhipgame — 0.1.0

Bullwhip Effect Demo in Shiny

bumbl — 1.0.3

Tools for Modeling Bumblebee Colony Growth and Decline

bumblebee — 0.1.0

Quantify Disease Transmission Within and Between Population Groups

bunching — 0.8.6

Estimate Bunching

bunchr — 1.2.0

Analyze Bunching in a Kink or Notch Setting

bundesbank — 0.1-12

Download Data from Bundesbank

bundesligR — 0.1.0

All Final Tables of the Bundesliga

bundle — 0.1.1

Serialize Model Objects with a Consistent Interface

bupaR — 0.5.4

Business Process Analysis in R

bupaverse — 0.1.0

Easily Install and Load the 'bupaverse'

burgle — 0.1.1

'Burgle': Stealing the Necessary Parts of Model Objects

burnr — 0.6.1

Forest Fire History Analysis

bursa — 0.1.0

R Wrapper for Bursa Municipality Open Data Portal

BurStFin — 1.3

Burns Statistics Financial

BurStMisc — 1.1

Burns Statistics Miscellaneous

bursts — 1.0-2

Markov Model for Bursty Behavior in Streams

busdater — 0.2.0

Standard Date Calculations for Business

BusinessDuration — 0.2.0

Calculates Business Duration Between Two Dates

businessPlanR — 0.1-0

Simple Modelling Tools for Business Plans

butcher — 0.3.4

Model Butcher

butterflyOptions — 1.0.1

Trading Butterfly Options Strategies

BuyseTest — 3.0.4

Generalized Pairwise Comparisons

Bvalue — 1.0

B-Value and Empirical Equivalence Bound

BVAR — 1.0.5

Hierarchical Bayesian Vector Autoregression

bvarsv — 1.1

Bayesian Analysis of a Vector Autoregressive Model with Stochastic Volatility and Time-Varying Parameters

bvartools — 0.2.4

Bayesian Inference of Vector Autoregressive and Error Correction Models

BVARverse — 0.0.1

Tidy Bayesian Vector Autoregression

bvhar — 2.1.0

Bayesian Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive Modeling

bvls — 1.4

The Stark-Parker algorithm for bounded-variable least squares

bvpa — 1.0.0

Bivariate Pareto Distribution

BVSNLP — 1.1.9

Bayesian Variable Selection in High Dimensional Settings using Nonlocal Priors

bwd — 0.1.0

Backward Procedure for Change-Point Detection

bWGR — 2.2.10

Bayesian Whole-Genome Regression

BWGS — 0.2.1

BreedWheat Genomic Selection Pipeline

bwimage — 1.3

Describe Image Patterns in Natural Structures

BwQuant — 0.1.0

Bandwidth Selectors for Local Linear Quantile Regression

bws — 0.1.0

Bayesian Weighted Sums

BWStest — 0.2.3

Baumgartner Weiss Schindler Test of Equal Distributions

bwsTools — 1.2.0

Tools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling (MaxDiff) Designs

bysykkel — 0.3.1

Get City Bike Data from Norway

bytescircle — 1.1.2

Statistics About Bytes Contained in a File as a Circle Plot

bzinb — 1.0.8

Bivariate Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model Estimator

c060 — 0.3-0

Extended Inference for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Cox and Generalized Linear Models

C19dNUTS — 1.0.1

Dataset of Regional COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 Pop (NUTS)

c212 — 0.98

Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials Using Body-Systems (System Organ Classes)

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