Packages by Enrico Schumann

BISdata — 0.2-3

Download Data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

NMOF — 2.8-0

Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance

PMwR — 0.19-5

Portfolio Management with R

SNBdata — 0.2.1

Download Data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB)

SNSFdatasets — 0.1.1

Download Datasets from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF, FNS, SNSF)

bundesbank — 0.1-12

Download Data from Bundesbank

datetimeutils — 0.6-4

Utilities for Dates and Times

neighbours — 0.1-3

Neighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms

orgutils — 0.5-0

Helper Functions for Org Files

password — 1.0-0

Create Random Passwords

textutils — 0.4-1

Utilities for Handling Strings and Text

tsdb — 1.1-0

Terribly-Simple Data Base for Time Series