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stminsights — 0.4.3

A 'Shiny' Application for Inspecting Structural Topic Models

StMoMo — 0.4.1

Stochastic Mortality Modelling

StMoSim — 3.1.1

Quantile-Quantile Plot with Several Gaussian Simulations

STMotif — 2.0.2

Discovery of Motifs in Spatial-Time Series

STMr — 0.1.6

Strength Training Manual R-Language Functions

stocc — 1.31

Fit a Spatial Occupancy Model via Gibbs Sampling

StochBlock — 0.1.2

Stochastic Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked Networks

stochLAB — 1.1.2

Stochastic Collision Risk Model

stochQN — 0.1.2-1

Stochastic Limited Memory Quasi-Newton Optimizers

stochvol — 3.2.4

Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV) Models

stochvolTMB — 0.2.0

Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models

stockAnalyst — 1.0.1

Equity Valuation using Methods of Fundamental Analysis

StockDistFit — 1.0.0

Fit Stock Price Distributions

stockR — 1.0.76

Identifying Stocks in Genetic Data

stocks — 1.1.4

Stock Market Analysis

stodom — 0.0.1

Estimating Consistent Tests for Stochastic Dominance

stoichcalc — 1.1-5

R Functions for Solving Stoichiometric Equations

stokes — 1.2-1

The Exterior Calculus

stopdetection — 0.1.2

Stop Detection in Timestamped Trajectory Data using Spatiotemporal Clustering

STOPES — 0.2

Selection Threshold Optimized Empirically via Splitting

stopp — 0.2.4

Spatio-Temporal Point Pattern Methods, Model Fitting, Diagnostics, Simulation, Local Tests

stoppingrule — 0.5.0

Create and Evaluate Stopping Rules for Safety Monitoring

stops — 1.8-2

Structure Optimized Proximity Scaling

stopwords — 2.3

Multilingual Stopword Lists

Storm — 1.2

Write Storm Bolts in R using the Storm Multi-Language Protocol.

StormR — 0.2.1

Analyzing the Behaviour of Wind Generated by Tropical Storms and Cyclones

storr — 1.2.5

Simple Key Value Stores

stortingscrape — 0.3.0

Access Data from the Norwegian Parliament API

stoRy — 0.2.2

Download, Explore, and Analyze Literary Theme Ontology Data

storywranglr — 0.2.0

Explore Twitter Trends with the 'Storywrangler' API

stosim — 0.0.15

Stochastic Simulator for Reliability Modeling of Repairable Systems

STPGA — 5.2.1

Selection of Training Populations by Genetic Algorithm

stplanr — 1.2.2

Sustainable Transport Planning

stpm — 1.7.12

Stochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes

stpp — 2.0-8

Space-Time Point Pattern Simulation, Visualisation and Analysis

stpphawkes — 0.2.1

Missing Data for Marked Hawkes Process

stppSim — 1.3.4

Spatiotemporal Point Patterns Simulation

stR — 0.7

Seasonal Trend Decomposition Using Regression

str2str — 1.0.0

Convert R Objects from One Structure to Another

StrainRanking — 1.2

Ranking of Pathogen Strains

strand — 0.2.0

A Framework for Investment Strategy Simulation

stranslate — 0.1.3

Simple Translation Between Different Languages

strap — 1.6-1

Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology

strat — 0.1

An Implementation of the Stratification Index

strata.MaxCombo — 0.0.1

Stratified Max-Combo Test

stratallo — 2.2.1

Optimum Sample Allocation in Stratified Sampling

stratamatch — 0.1.9

Stratification and Matching for Large Observational Data Sets

stratastats — 0.2

Stratified Analysis of 2x2 Contingency Tables

stratbr — 1.2

Optimal Stratification in Stratified Sampling

strategicplayers — 1.1

Strategic Players

Strategy — 1.0.1

Generic Framework to Analyze Trading Strategies

stratEst — 1.1.6

Strategy Estimation

StrathE2E2 — 3.3.0

End-to-End Marine Food Web Model

stratification — 2.2-7

Univariate Stratification of Survey Populations

StratifiedBalancing — 0.3.0

Stratified Covariate Balancing

StratifiedMedicine — 1.0.5

Stratified Medicine

StratifiedRF — 0.2.2

Builds Trees by Sampling Variables in Groups

stratifiedyh — 0.1.0

Stratified Sampling and Labeling of Data in R

stratifyR — 1.0-3

Optimal Stratification of Univariate Populations

StratigrapheR — 1.3.1

Integrated Stratigraphy

StratPal — 0.1.1

Stratigraphic Paleobiology Modeling Pipelines

StratSel — 1.3

Strategic Selection Estimator

STraTUS — 1.1.2

Enumeration and Uniform Sampling of Transmission Trees for a Known Phylogeny

stratvns — 1.1

Optimal Stratification in Stratified Sampling

straweib — 1.1

Stratified Weibull Regression Model

strawr — 0.0.92

Fast Implementation of Reading/Dump for .hic Files

stray — 0.1.1

Anomaly Detection in High Dimensional and Temporal Data

STREAK — 1.0.0

Receptor Abundance Estimation using Feature Selection and Gene Set Scoring

stream — 2.0-2

Infrastructure for Data Stream Mining

streambugs — 1.4

Parametric Ordinary Differential Equations Model of Growth, Death, and Respiration of Macroinvertebrate and Algae Taxa

streamDAG — 1.5

Analytical Methods for Stream DAGs

streamDepletr — 0.2.0

Estimate Streamflow Depletion Due to Groundwater Pumping

StreamMetabolism — 1.1.3

Calculate Single Station Metabolism from Diurnal Oxygen Curves

streamMOA — 1.3-1

Interface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms

streamR — 0.4.5

Access to Twitter Streaming API via R

streetscape — 1.0.3

Collect And Investigate Street Views For Urban Science

StReg — 1.1

Student's t Regression Models

stressaddition — 3.1.0

Modelling Tri-Phasic Concentration-Response Relationships

stressor — 0.2.0

Algorithms for Testing Models under Stress

stressr — 1.0.0

Fetch and plot financial stress index and component data.

StressStrength — 1.0.2

Computation and Estimation of Reliability of Stress-Strength Models

strex — 2.0.0

Extra String Manipulation Functions

strider — 1.3

Strided Iterator and Range

String2AdjMatrix — 0.1.0

Creates an Adjacency Matrix from a List of Strings

string2path — 0.1.8

Rendering Font into 'data.frame'

stringdist — 0.9.12

Approximate String Matching, Fuzzy Text Search, and String Distance Functions

stringfish — 0.16.0

Alt String Implementation

stringformattr — 0.1.2

Dynamic String Formatting

stringi — 1.8.4

Fast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities

stringmagic — 1.1.2

Character String Operations and Interpolation, Magic Edition

stringr — 1.5.1

Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations

stringstatic — 0.1.2

Dependency-Free String Operations

stringx — 0.2.8

Replacements for Base String Functions Powered by 'stringi'

strip — 1.0.0

Lighten your R Model Outputs

stripless — 1.0-3

Structured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice Graphics

striprtf — 0.6.0

Extract Text from RTF File

STRMPS — 0.5.8

Analysis of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) Data

stRoke — 23.9.1

Clinical Stroke Research

StroupGLMM — 0.2.0

R Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup

strs — 0.1.0

'Python' Style String Functions

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