Reference manual

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0.1.1 by Drew Herren, 2 months ago,

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Authors: Drew Herren [aut, cre] , Richard Hahn [aut] , Jared Murray [aut] , Carlos Carvalho [aut] , Jingyu He [aut] , Pedro Lima [ctb] , stochtree contributors [cph] , Eigen contributors [cph] (C++ source uses the Eigen library for matrix operations , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , xgboost contributors [cph] (C++ tree code and related operations include or are inspired by code from the xgboost library , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , treelite contributors [cph] (C++ tree code and related operations include or are inspired by code from the treelite library , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , Microsoft Corporation [cph] (C++ I/O and various project structure code include or are inspired by code from the LightGBM library , which is a copyright of Microsoft , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , Niels Lohmann [cph] (C++ source uses the JSON for Modern C++ library for JSON operations , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , Daniel Lemire [cph] (C++ source uses the fast_double_parser library internally , see inst/COPYRIGHTS) , Victor Zverovich [cph] (C++ source uses the fmt library internally , see inst/COPYRIGHTS)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports R6, stats

Suggests testthat

Linking to cpp11, BH

System requirements: C++17

See at CRAN