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shinyFiles — 0.9.3

A Server-Side File System Viewer for Shiny

shinyfilter — 0.1.1

Use Interdependent Filters on Table Columns in Shiny Apps

shinyfullscreen — 1.1.0

Display 'HTML' Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps

shinyGizmo — 0.4.2

Custom Components for Shiny Applications

shinyglide — 0.1.4

Glide Component for Shiny Applications

shinyGovstyle — 0.1.0

Custom Gov Style Inputs for Shiny

shinyHeatmaply — 0.2.0

Deploy 'heatmaply' using 'shiny'

shinyhelper — 0.3.2

Easily Add Markdown Help Files to 'shiny' App Elements

shinyhttr — 1.1.0

Progress Bars for Downloads in 'shiny' Apps

shinyHugePlot — 0.2.6

Efficient Plotting of Large-Sized Data

shinyInvoice — 0.0.5

Shiny App - Generate a Pdf Invoice with 'Rmarkdown'

shinyIRT — 0.1

Item Response Theory Analysis with a 'shiny' Application

ShinyItemAnalysis — 1.5.1

Test and Item Analysis via Shiny

shinyjqui — 0.4.1

'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny

shinyjs — 2.1.0

Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds

shinyKGode — 1.0.5

An Interactive Application for ODE Parameter Inference Using Gradient Matching

shinyKnobs — 0.1.3

A Collection of Knob Inputs for 'shiny'

shinylight — 1.2

Web Interface to 'R' Functions

ShinyLink — 0.2.2

'Shiny' Based Record Linkage Tool

shinylive — 0.2.0

Run 'shiny' Applications in the Browser

shinyloadtest — 1.2.0

Load Test Shiny Applications

shinylogs — 0.2.1

Record Everything that Happens in a 'Shiny' Application

shinyLottie — 1.0.0

Seamlessly Integrate 'Lottie' Animations into 'shiny' Applications

shinyLP — 1.1.3

Bootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications

shinymanager — 1.0.410

Authentication Management for 'Shiny' Applications

shinymaterial — 1.2.0

Implement Material Design in Shiny Applications

shinyMatrix — 0.8.0

Shiny Matrix Input Field

shinyMergely — 0.2.0

Compare and Merge Two Files with a 'Shiny' App

shinymeta —

Export Domain Logic from Shiny using Meta-Programming

shinymgr — 1.1.0

A Framework for Building, Managing, and Stitching 'shiny' Modules into Reproducible Workflows

shinyML — 1.0.1

Compare Supervised Machine Learning Models Using Shiny App

shinyMobile — 2.0.0

Mobile Ready 'shiny' Apps with Standalone Capabilities

shinymodels — 0.1.1

Interactive Assessments of Models

shinyMolBio — 0.2

Molecular Biology Visualization Tools for 'Shiny' Apps

shinyMonacoEditor — 1.1.0

The 'Monaco' Editor in 'Shiny'

shinyNORRRM — 0.8.6

The Ultimate Igneous Norm

shinyNotes — 0.0.2

Shiny Module for Taking Free-Form Notes

shinyobjects — 0.2.0

Access Reactive Data Interactively

shinypanel — 0.1.5

Shiny Control Panel

shinypanels — 0.5.0

Shiny Layout with Collapsible Panels

shinypivottabler — 1.2

Shiny Module to Create Pivot Tables

shinyPredict — 0.1.1

Predictions using Shiny

shinyQueryBuilder — 0.1.0

Construct Complex Filtering Queries in 'Shiny'

ShinyQuickStarter — 2.0.1

'RStudio' Addin for Building Shiny Apps per Drag & Drop

shinyquiz — 0.0.1

Create Interactive Quizzes in 'shiny'

shinyRadioMatrix — 0.2.1

Create a Matrix with Radio Buttons

shinyRatings — 0.1.0

An Intuitive Way of Providing Star Rating in a 'shiny' App

shinyrecipes — 0.1.0

Gadget to Use the Data Preprocessing 'recipes' Package Interactively

shinyreforms — 0.0.1

Add Forms to your 'Shiny' App

shinyRGL — 0.1.0

Shiny Wrappers for RGL

shinySbm — 0.1.5

'shiny' Application to Use the Stochastic Block Model

shinyscreenshot — 0.2.1

Capture Screenshots of Entire Pages or Parts of Pages in 'Shiny'

shinySearchbar — 1.0.0

Shiny Searchbar - An Input Widget for Highlighting Text and More

shinySelect — 1.3.0

A Wrapper of the 'react-select' Library

shinyservicebot — 0.1.0

Servicebot 'Shiny' Integration

shinyShortcut — 0.1.0

Creates an Executable Shortcut for Shiny Applications

shinySIR — 0.1.2

Interactive Plotting for Mathematical Models of Infectious Disease Spread

shinystan — 2.6.0

Interactive Visual and Numerical Diagnostics and Posterior Analysis for Bayesian Models

shinyStorePlus — 1.2

Secure in-Browser Storage for 'Shiny' Inputs, Outputs and Variables

shinysurveys — 0.2.0

Create and Deploy Surveys in 'Shiny'

shinyTempSignal — 0.0.8

Explore Temporal and Other Phylogenetic Signals

shinytest — 1.6.1

Test Shiny Apps

shinytest2 — 0.3.2

Testing for Shiny Applications

ShinyTester — 0.1.0

Functions to Minimize Bonehead Moves While Working with 'shiny'

shinythemes — 1.2.0

Themes for Shiny

shinyTime — 1.0.3

A Time Input Widget for Shiny

shinytitle — 0.1.0

Update Browser Window Title in 'shiny' Session

shinyToastify — 2.0.0

Pretty Notifications for 'Shiny'

shinytoastr — 2.2.0

Notifications from 'Shiny'

shinyTree — 0.3.1

jsTree Bindings for Shiny

shinyvalidate — 0.1.3

Input Validation for Shiny Apps

shinyWidgets — 0.8.7

Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny

shinyXYpad — 0.2.0

XY Controller for 'Shiny'

shipunov — 1.17.1

Miscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov

shock — 1.0

Slope Heuristic for Block-Diagonal Covariance Selection in High Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models

shopifyadsR — 0.1.0

Get 'Shopify' Ads Data via the '' API

shopifyr — 1.0.0

An R Interface to the Shopify API

shoredate — 1.1.1

Shoreline Dating Coastal Stone Age Sites

shortcuts — 1.4.0

Useful Shortcuts to Interact with 'RStudio' Scripts

ShortForm — 0.5.5

Automatic Short Form Creation

shortIRT — 0.1.3

Procedures Based on Item Response Theory Models for the Development of Short Test Forms

shorts — 3.2.0

Short Sprints

shotGroups — 0.8.2

Analyze Shot Group Data

showimage — 1.0.0

Show an Image on an 'R' Graphics Device

showtext — 0.9-7

Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs

showtextdb — 3.0

Font Files for the 'showtext' Package

shp2graph — 1-0

Convert a 'SpatialLinesDataFrame' -Class Object to an 'igraph'-Class Object

shrink — 1.2.3

Global, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor Estimation

ShrinkCovMat — 1.4.0

Shrinkage Covariance Matrix Estimators

shrinkDSM — 0.2.0

Efficient Bayesian Inference for Dynamic Survival Models with Shrinkage

shrinkTVP — 3.0.1

Efficient Bayesian Inference for Time-Varying Parameter Models with Shrinkage

shrinkTVPVAR — 0.1.1

Efficient Bayesian Inference for TVP-VAR-SV Models with Shrinkage

shroomDK — 0.3.0

Accessing the Flipside Crypto ShroomDK API

SHT — 0.1.8

Statistical Hypothesis Testing Toolbox

shuffle — 1.0.1

The Shuffle Estimator for Explainable Variance

shuffleCI — 0.1.0

Confidence Intervals Compared via Shuffling

shutterplot — 0.1.0

The R Shutter Plot Package

SI — 0.2.0

Stochastic Integrating

SIAmodules — 0.1.1

Modules for 'ShinyItemAnalysis'

SIAtools — 0.1.1

'ShinyItemAnalysis' Modules Development Toolkit

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