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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

PUPMSI — 0.1.0

Moisture Sorption Isotherm Modeling Program

puremoe — 1.0.1

Pubmed Unified REtrieval for Multi-Output Exploration

pureseqtmr — 1.4

Predict Transmembrane Protein Topology

purge — 0.2.1

Purge Training Data from Models

purgeR — 1.8.2

Inbreeding-Purging Estimation in Pedigreed Populations

purging — 1.0.0

Simple Method for Purging Mediation Effects among Independent Variables

PurpleAir — 1.0.0

Query the 'PurpleAir' Application Programming Interface

purrr — 1.0.2

Functional Programming Tools

purrrlyr — 0.0.8

Tools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr'

Pursuit — 1.0.5

Projection Pursuit

pushbar — 0.1.0

Create Sliders for 'Shiny'

pushoverr — 1.1.0

Send Push Notifications using 'Pushover'

puzzle — 0.0.1

Assembling Data Sets for Non-Linear Mixed Effects Modeling

PVAClone — 0.1-7

Population Viability Analysis with Data Cloning

pvaluefunctions — 1.6.2

Creates and Plots P-Value Functions, S-Value Functions, Confidence Distributions and Confidence Densities

pvar — 2.2.7

Calculation and Application of p-Variation

pvclass — 1.4

P-Values for Classification

pvclust — 2.2-0

Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampling

pvcurveanalysis — 1.0.0

Analysis of Pressure Volume Curves

pvda — 0.0.3

Disproportionality Functions for Pharmacovigilance

pvldcurve — 1.2.6

Simplifies the Analysis of Pressure Volume and Leaf Drying Curves

pvLRT — 0.5.1

Likelihood Ratio Test-Based Approaches to Pharmacovigilance

PVplr — 0.1.2

Performance Loss Rate Analysis Pipeline

PVR — 0.3

Phylogenetic Eigenvectors Regression and Phylogentic Signal-Representation Curve


Design and Monitoring of Survival Trials Accounting for Complex Situations

PWEV — 0.1.0

PSO Based Weighted Ensemble Algorithm for Volatility Modelling

PWEXP — 0.5.0

Piecewise Exponential Distribution Prediction Model

PWIR — 0.0.3

Provides a Function to Calculate Prize Winner Indices Based on Bibliometric Data

pwlmm — 1.1.1

PWIGLS for Two-Level Multivariate and Multilevel Linear Models

pwr — 1.3-0

Basic Functions for Power Analysis

pwr2 — 1.0

Power and Sample Size Analysis for One-way and Two-way ANOVA Models

pwr2ppl — 0.5.0

Power Analyses for Common Designs (Power to the People)

pwrAB — 0.1.0

Power Analysis for AB Testing

pwrFDR — 2.8.9

FDR Power

PwrGSD — 2.3.7

Power in a Group Sequential Design

pwrRasch — 0.1-2

Statistical Power Simulation for Testing the Rasch Model

pwrss — 0.3.1

Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculation Tools

pwt — 7.1-1

Penn World Table (Versions 5.6, 6.x, 7.x)

pwt10 — 10.01-0

Penn World Table (Version 10.x)

pwt8 — 8.1-1

Penn World Table (Version 8.x)

pwt9 — 9.1-0

Penn World Table (Version 9.x)

pxR — 0.42.7

PC-Axis with R

pxweb — 0.17.0

R Interface to PXWEB APIs

PxWebApiData — 0.9.0

PX-Web Data by API

pycno — 1.4

Pycnophylactic Interpolation

pyinit — 1.1.3

Pena-Yohai Initial Estimator for Robust S-Regression

pylintR — 0.1.0

Lint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' Addin

pyMTurkR — 1.1.6

A Client for the 'MTurk' Requester API

pyramid — 1.5

Draw Population Pyramid

pysd2r — 0.1.0

API to 'Python' Library 'pysd'

pysparklyr — 0.1.5

Provides a 'PySpark' Back-End for the 'sparklyr' Package

PytrendsLongitudinalR — 0.1.4

Create Longitudinal Google Trends Data

pzfx — 0.3.0

Read and Write 'GraphPad Prism' Files

Q2q — 0.1.0

Interpolating Age-Specific Mortality Rates at All Ages

Q7 — 0.1.0

Types and Features for Object Oriented Programming

qacBase — 1.0.3

Functions to Facilitate Exploratory Data Analysis

qad — 1.0.4

Quantification of Asymmetric Dependence

QAIG — 0.1.7

Automatic Item Generator for Quantitative Multiple-Choice Items

qap — 0.1-2

Heuristics for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)

qape — 2.1

Quantile of Absolute Prediction Errors

Qapprox — 0.2.0

Approximation to the Survival Functions of Quadratic Forms of Gaussian Variables

qbld — 1.0.3

Quantile Regression for Binary Longitudinal Data

QBMS — 1.5.0

Query the Breeding Management System(s)

qboxplot — 0.2

Quantile-Based Boxplot

qbr — 1.2.4

Access the 'Quickbase' JSON API

QCA — 3.22

Qualitative Comparative Analysis

QCAcluster — 0.1.0

Tools for the Analysis of Clustered Data in QCA

qcapower — 0.1.0

Estimate Power and Required Sample Size in QCA

QCApro — 1.1-2

Advanced Functionality for Performing and Evaluating Qualitative Comparative Analysis

QCAtools — 0.2.3

Helper Functions for QCA in R

qcauchyreg — 1.0

Quantile Regression Quasi-Cauchy

qCBA — 1.0

Postprocessing of Rule Classification Models Learnt on Quantized Data

qcc — 2.7

Quality Control Charts

qccrs — 0.1.0

Quality Control Charts under Repetitive Sampling

QCEWAS — 1.2-3

Fast and Easy Quality Control of EWAS Results Files

QCGWAS — 1.0-9

Quality Control of Genome Wide Association Study Results

qch — 2.0.0

Query Composite Hypotheses

qcpm — 0.4

Quantile Composite Path Modeling

qcQpcr — 1.5

Histone ChIP-Seq qPCR Analyzer

qcr — 1.4

Quality Control Review

QCSimulator — 0.0.1

A 5-Qubit Quantum Computing Simulator

QCSIS — 0.1

Sure Independence Screening via Quantile Correlation and Composite Quantile Correlation

qcv — 1.0

Quantifying Construct Validity

qdap — 2.4.6

Bridging the Gap Between Qualitative Data and Quantitative Analysis

qdapDictionaries — 1.0.7

Dictionaries and Word Lists for the 'qdap' Package

qdapRegex — 0.7.8

Regular Expression Removal, Extraction, and Replacement Tools

qdapTools — 1.3.7

Tools for the 'qdap' Package

QDComparison — 3.0

Modern Nonparametric Tools for Two-Sample Quantile and Distribution Comparisons

QDiabetes — 1.0-2

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Calculator

qdm — 0.1-0

Fitting a Quadrilateral Dissimilarity Model to Same-Different Judgments

qeML — 1.1

Quick and Easy Machine Learning Tools

Qest — 1.0.1

Quantile-Based Estimator

QF — 0.0.6

Density, Cumulative and Quantile Functions of Quadratic Forms

qfa — 2.1

Quantile-Frequency Analysis (QFA) of Time Series

QFASA — 1.2.1

Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis

qfasar — 1.2.1

Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis in R

qfratio — 1.1.1

Moments and Distributions of Ratios of Quadratic Forms Using Recursion

QFRM — 1.0.1

Pricing of Vanilla and Exotic Option Contracts

QGA — 1.0

Quantum Genetic Algorithm

qgam — 1.3.4

Smooth Additive Quantile Regression Models

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