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1.3-0 by Helios De Rosario, 5 years ago
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Authors: Stephane Champely [aut] , Claus Ekstrom [ctb] , Peter Dalgaard [ctb] , Jeffrey Gill [ctb] , Stephan Weibelzahl [ctb] , Aditya Anandkumar [ctb] , Clay Ford [ctb] , Robert Volcic [ctb] , Helios De Rosario [cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports stats, graphics
Suggests ggplot2, scales, knitr, rmarkdown
Imported by EQUALSTATS, JustifyAlpha, NetworkToolbox, OptSig, PSS.Health, RareComb, easypower, hscovar, metaumbrella,, rosetta, smplot2, ssev, stats4teaching, ufs, umx.
Depended on by powerGWASinteraction.
Suggested by CGPfunctions, CNVScope, EGAnet, PMCMRplus, SteppedPower, Superpower, adoptr, effectsize, mlpwr, paramtest, rmcorr, sigr, sjstats.
See at CRAN