All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

partools — 1.1.6

Tools for the 'Parallel' Package

partR2 — 0.9.2

Partitioning R2 in GLMMs

partsm — 1.1-3

Periodic Autoregressive Time Series Models

parttime — 0.1.2

Partial Datetime Handling

party — 1.3-17

A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning

partykit — 1.2-22

A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning

parzer — 0.4.1

Parse Messy Geographic Coordinates

PAS — 1.2.5

Polygenic Analysis System (PAS)

pasadr — 1.0

An Implementation of Process-Aware Stealthy Attack Detection(PASAD)

PASenseWear — 1.0

Summarize Daily Physical Activity from 'SenseWear' Accelerometer Data

pass.lme — 0.9.0

Power and Sample Size for Linear Mixed Effect Models

PASSED — 1.2-2

Calculate Power and Sample Size for Two Sample Mean Tests

PAsso — 0.1.10

Assessing the Partial Association Between Ordinal Variables

passport — 0.3.0

Travel Smoothly Between Country Name and Code Formats

passt — 0.1.3

Probability Associator Time (PASS-T)

password — 1.0-0

Create Random Passwords

pastaPlot — 0.1.0

Spaghetti-Plot Fixed and Random Effects of Linear Mixed Models

pastboon — 0.1.2

Simulation of Parameterized Stochastic Boolean Networks

pastclim — 2.1.0

Manipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions

pasteAsComment — 0.2.1

'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a 'roxygen' Block

pastecs — 1.4.2

Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series

PASWR — 1.3

Probability and Statistics with R

PASWR2 — 1.0.5

Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition

patchDVI — 1.11.0

Package to Patch '.dvi' or '.synctex' Files

patchSynctex — 0.1-4

Communication Between Editor and Viewer for Literate Programs

patchwork — 1.3.0

The Composer of Plots

patentr — 0.1.4

Access USPTO Bulk Data in Tidy Rectangular Format

patentsview — 0.3.0

An R Client to the 'PatentsView' API

Path.Analysis — 0.1

Path Coefficient Analysis

path.chain — 0.2.0

Concise Structure for Chainable Paths

pathfindR — 2.4.1

Enrichment Analysis Utilizing Active Subnetworks — 2.1.0

Data Package for 'pathfindR'

pathling — 7.0.0

A Library for using 'Pathling'

pathlit — 0.1.0

An SDK for the PathLit Engine

pathmodelfit — 1.0.5

Path Component Fit Indices for Latent Structural Equation Models

paths — 0.1.1

An Imputation Approach to Estimating Path-Specific Causal Effects

pathviewr — 1.1.7

Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement Data

PathwaySpace — 0.99.4

Spatial Projection of Network Signals along Geodesic Paths

pathwayTMB — 0.1.3

Pathway Based Tumor Mutational Burden

PatientProfiles — 1.2.0

Identify Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP Common Data Model

patientProfilesVis — 2.0.9

Visualization of Patient Profiles

patrick — 0.2.0

Parameterized Unit Testing

patternator — 0.1.0

Feature Extraction from Female Brown Anole Lizard Dorsal Patterns

patterncausality — 0.1.3

Pattern Causality Algorithm

patternize — 0.0.5

Quantification of Color Pattern Variation

patternplot — 1.0.0

Versatile Pie Charts, Ring Charts, Bar Charts and Box Plots using Patterns, Colors and Images

Patterns — 1.5

Deciphering Biological Networks with Patterned Heterogeneous Measurements

pavo — 2.9.0

Perceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of Spectral Colour Data

pawacc — 1.2.3

Physical Activity with Accelerometers

paws — 0.7.0

Amazon Web Services Software Development Kit — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Analytics Services

paws.application.integration — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Application Integration Services

paws.common — 0.7.7

Paws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API

paws.compute — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Compute Services — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Cost Management Services

paws.customer.engagement — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Customer Engagement Services

paws.database — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Database Services — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Developer Tools Services

paws.end.user.computing — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' End User Computing Services

paws.machine.learning — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Machine Learning Services — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Management & Governance Services

paws.networking — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Networking & Content Delivery Services — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Security, Identity, & Compliance Services — 0.7.0

'Amazon Web Services' Storage Services

pawscore — 1.0.3

Pain Assessment at Withdrawal Speeds (PAWS)

pbANOVA — 0.1.0

Parametric Bootstrap for ANOVA Models

pbapply — 1.7-2

Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions

pbatR — 2.2-17

Pedigree/Family-Based Genetic Association Tests Analysis and Power

pbbd — 1.0.0

Position Balanced and Nearly Position Balanced Block Designs

pbcc — 0.0.5

Percentile-Based Control Chart

PBD — 1.4

Protracted Birth-Death Model of Diversification

pbdMPI — 0.5-2

R Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project)

pbdSLAP — 0.3-5

Programming with Big Data -- Scalable Linear Algebra Packages

pbdZMQ — 0.3-13

Programming with Big Data -- Interface to 'ZeroMQ'

PBIBD — 1.3

Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

PBImisc — 1.0

A Set of Datasets Used in My Classes or in the Book 'Modele Liniowe i Mieszane w R, Wraz z Przykladami w Analizie Danych'

PBIR — 0.1-0

Estimating the Probability of Being in Response and Related Outcomes

pbivnorm — 0.6.0

Vectorized Bivariate Normal CDF

pbkrtest — 0.5.3

Parametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite Based Methods for Test in Mixed Models

pbm — 1.2.1

Protein Binding Models

pbmcapply — 1.5.1

Tracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar

PBNPA — 0.0.3

Permutation Based Non-Parametric Analysis of CRISPR Screen Data

pbo — 1.3.5

Probability of Backtest Overfitting

pbox — 0.1.8

Exploring Multivariate Spaces with Probability Boxes

pbr — 0.0.2

Find a Cold One Near You

pBrackets — 1.0.1

Plot Brackets

pbs — 1.1

Periodic B Splines

PBSadmb — 1.1.6

ADMB for R Using Scripts or GUI

PBSddesolve — 1.13.4

Solver for Delay Differential Equations

PBSmapping — 2.74.1

Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools

PBSmodelling — 2.69.3

GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data

PBtDesigns — 1.0.0

Partially Balanced t-Designs (PBtDesigns)

pbv — 0.5-47

Probabilities for Bivariate Normal Distribution

pcadapt — 4.4.0

Fast Principal Component Analysis for Outlier Detection

PCADSC — 0.8.0

Tools for Principal Component Analysis-Based Data Structure Comparisons

pcal — 1.0.0

Calibration of P-Values for Point Null Hypothesis Testing

pcaL1 — 1.5.7

L1-Norm PCA Methods

pcalg — 2.7-12

Methods for Graphical Models and Causal Inference

pCalibrate — 0.2-1

Bayesian Calibrations of p-Values

pcalls — 1.0

Pricing of Different Types of Call

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