Reference manual

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0.3-13 by Wei-Chen Chen, 3 months ago

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Authors: Wei-Chen Chen [aut, cre] , Drew Schmidt [aut] , Christian Heckendorf [aut] (file transfer) , George Ostrouchov [aut] (Mac OSX) , Whit Armstrong [ctb] (some functions are modified from the rzmq package for backwards compatibility) , Brian Ripley [ctb] (C code of shellexec , and Solaris) , R Core team [ctb] (some functions and headers are copied or modified from the R source code) , Philipp A. [ctb] (Fedora) , Elliott Sales de Andrade [ctb] (sprintf) , Spencer Aiello [ctb] (windows conf) , Paul Andrey [ctb] (Mac OSX conf) , Panagiotis Cheilaris [ctb] (add serialize version) , Jeroen Ooms [ctb] (clang++ on MacOS ARM64) , ZeroMQ authors [aut, cph] (source files in 'src/zmq_src/')

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

System requirements: Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows, or 'ZeroMQ' library >= 4.0.4. Solaris 10 needs 'ZeroMQ' library 4.0.7 and 'OpenCSW'.

Imported by IRkernel.

See at CRAN