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RcppClassic — 0.9.13

Deprecated 'classic' 'Rcpp' 'API'

RcppClassicExamples — 0.1.3

Examples using 'RcppClassic' to Interface R and C++

RcppClock — 1.1

Seamless 'Rcpp' Benchmarking

RcppCNPy — 0.2.13

Read-Write Support for 'NumPy' Files via 'Rcpp'

RcppColors — 0.6.0

Color Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion

RcppCWB — 0.6.5

'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')

RcppDate — 0.0.3

'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality

RcppDE — 0.1.7

Global Optimization by Differential Evolution in C++

RcppDist — 0.1.1

'Rcpp' Integration of Additional Probability Distributions

RcppDynProg — 0.2.1

'Rcpp' Dynamic Programming

RcppEigen —

'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Eigen' Templated Linear Algebra Library

RcppEnsmallen —

Header-Only C++ Mathematical Optimization Library for 'Armadillo'

RcppExamples — 0.1.9

Examples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++

RcppFarmHash — 0.0.3

Interface to the Google 'FarmHash' Family of Hash Functions

RcppFastAD — 0.0.4

'Rcpp' Bindings to 'FastAD' Auto-Differentiation

RcppFastFloat — 0.0.4

'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'fast_float' Header-Only Library for Number Parsing

RcppGetconf — 0.0.3

'Rcpp' Interface for Querying System Configuration Variables

RcppGreedySetCover — 0.1.0

Greedy Set Cover

RcppGSL — 0.3.13

'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and Matrices

RcppHMM — 1.2.2

Rcpp Hidden Markov Model

RcppHNSW — 0.6.0

'Rcpp' Bindings for 'hnswlib', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors

RcppHungarian — 0.3

Solves Minimum Cost Bipartite Matching Problems

RcppInt64 — 0.0.5

'Rcpp'-Based Helper Functions to Pass 'Int64' and 'nanotime' Values Between 'R' and 'C++'

RcppJagger — 0.0.2

An R Wrapper for Jagger

RcppLbfgsBlaze — 0.1.0

'L-BFGS' Algorithm Based on 'Blaze' for 'R' and 'Rcpp'

RcppMagicEnum — 0.0.1

'Rcpp' Bindings to 'Magic Enum' 'C++' 'Enum' Support

RcppMeCab —

'rcpp' Wrapper for 'mecab' Library

RcppML — 0.3.7

Rcpp Machine Learning Library

RcppMsgPack — 0.2.3

'MsgPack' C++ Header Files and Interface Functions for R

RcppNLoptExample — 0.0.1

'Rcpp' Package Illustrating Header-Only Access to 'NLopt'

RcppNumerical — 0.6-0

'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing Libraries

RcppParallel — 5.1.9

Parallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'

RcppProgress — 0.4.2

An Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages

RcppQuantuccia — 0.1.2

R Bindings to the Calendaring Functionality of 'QuantLib'

RcppRedis — 0.2.4

'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' Library

RcppRoll — 0.3.1

Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations

RcppSimdJson — 0.1.12

'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'simdjson' Header-Only Library for 'JSON' Parsing

RcppSMC — 0.2.7

Rcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo

RcppSpdlog — 0.0.18

R and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for Logging

RcppStreams — 0.1.3

'Rcpp' Integration of the 'Streamulus' 'DSEL' for Stream Processing

RcppThread — 2.1.7

R-Friendly Threading in C++

rcpptimer — 1.2.1

'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' Support

RcppTN — 0.2-2

Rcpp-Based Truncated Normal Distribution RNG and Family

RcppTOML — 0.2.2

'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"

RcppUUID — 1.1.1

Generating Universally Unique Identificators

RcppXPtrUtils — 0.1.2

XPtr Add-Ons for 'Rcpp'

RcppXsimd — 7.1.6

Xsimd C++ Header-Only Library Files

RcppXts — 0.0.6

Interface the 'xts' API via 'Rcpp'

RcppZiggurat — 0.1.6

'Rcpp' Integration of Different "Ziggurat" Normal RNG Implementations

Rcrawler — 0.1.9-1

Web Crawler and Scraper

RCreliability — 0.1.0

Correct Bias in Estimated Regression Coefficients

rcrimeanalysis — 0.5.0

An Implementation of Crime Analysis Methods

RCriteo — 1.0.2

Loading Criteo Data into R

Rcriticor — 2.0

Pierre-Goldwin Correlogram

RCRnorm — 0.0.2

An Integrated Regression Model for Normalizing 'NanoString nCounter' Data

rcrossref — 1.2.0

Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'

Rcsdp —

R Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming Library

RCSF — 1.0.2

Airborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Cloth Simulation

rcssci — 0.4.0

Visualization of Restricted Cubic Splines

Rcssplot — 1.0.0

Styling of Graphics using Cascading Style Sheets

RCT — 1.2

Assign Treatments, Power Calculations, Balances, Impact Evaluation of Experiments

RCT2 — 0.0.1

Designing and Analyzing Two-Stage Randomized Experiments

rct3 — 1.0.4

Predict Fish Year-Class Strength from Survey Data

RCTrep — 1.2.0

Validation of Estimates of Treatment Effects in Observational Data

RCTS — 0.2.4

Clustering Time Series While Resisting Outliers

rcube — 0.5

Simulations and Visualizations of Rubik's Cube (with Mods)

RCurl — 1.98-1.16

General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R

Rcurvep — 1.3.1

Concentration-Response Data Analysis using Curvep

RCytoGPS — 1.2.7

Using Cytogenetics Data in R

RCzechia — 1.12.2

Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic

Rd2md — 1.0.1

Markdown Reference Manuals

Rd2roxygen — 1.16

Convert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation

rD3plot — 1.0.68

Interactive Networks, Timelines, Barplots, Galleries with 'D3.js'

rda — 1.2-1

Shrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysis

rdacca.hp — 1.1-1

Hierarchical and Variation Partitioning for Canonical Analysis

rdaisi — 0.1.3

R Client for the Daisi Microservice Platform

rdatacite — 0.5.4

Client for the 'DataCite' API

rDataPipeline — 0.60.0

Functions to Interact with the 'FAIR Data Pipeline'

rdataretriever — 3.1.1

R Interface to the Data Retriever

rdbnomics — 0.6.4

Download DBnomics Data

rdd — 0.57

Regression Discontinuity Estimation

rddapp — 1.3.2

Regression Discontinuity Design Application

rddensity — 2.6

Manipulation Testing Based on Density Discontinuity

rddi — 0.1.1

R Interface to DDI Codebook 2.5

rddtools — 1.6.0

Toolbox for Regression Discontinuity Design ('RDD')

rde — 0.1.0

Reproducible Data Embedding

rDEA — 1.2-8

Robust Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for R

rdecision — 1.2.1

Decision Analytic Modelling in Health Economics

rDecode — 0.1.0

Descent-Based Calibrated Optimal Direct Estimation

rdeps — 0.2

Identify External Packages Used in a Project

rdflib — 0.2.9

Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data

rdfp — 0.1.4

An Implementation of the 'DoubleClick for Publishers' API

RDHonest — 1.0.0

Honest Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs

rdhs — 0.8.1

API Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Data

rdi — 1.0.0

Repertoire Dissimilarity Index

Rdiagnosislist — 1.2

Manipulate SNOMED CT Diagnosis Lists

rdian — 0.1.1

Client Library for The Guardian

Rdice — 1.0.0

A Collection of Functions to Experiment Dice Rolls

RDieHarder — 0.2.6

R Interface to the 'DieHarder' RNG Test Suite

Rdimtools — 1.1.2

Dimension Reduction and Estimation Methods

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