Reference manual

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1.98-1.17 by CRAN Team, 2 days ago

Browse source code at

Authors: CRAN Team [ctb, cre] (de facto maintainer since 2013) , Duncan Temple Lang [aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports bitops

Depends on methods

Suggests XML

System requirements: GNU make, libcurl

Imported by BKT, BrownDog, CNVScope, COVIDIBGE, Cluster.OBeu, DescriptiveStats.OBeu, Diderot, FinCal, GISSB, GNRS, GetDFPData2, IRISMustangMetrics, IRISSeismic, ISRaD, LifemapR, MortalityLaws, MultiObjMatch, OpEnHiMR, PNADcIBGE, PNDSIBGE, PNSIBGE, PubChemR, PubMedWordcloud, RAdwords, RBaseX, RCGLS, RCriteo, RMixpanel, ROAuth, ROpenDota, ROpenWeatherMap, RSmartlyIO, RYandexTranslate, RavenR, Rexperigen, Rtrack, SIMle, SUNGEO, Sie2nts, TPEA, TR8, TrafficBDE, TreeTools, ZillowR, accessrmd, adwordsR, aliases2entrez, amerifluxr, archivist, biomartr, biospear, bndesr, childfree, chillR, covidmx, creditr, dail, dartRverse, dextergui, easyclimate, fbRads, fixr, flatxml, gProfileR, geneset, gfcanalysis, gmapsdistance, gprofiler2, gptr, grandR, grobblR, h2o, haploR, hoardeR, iCARH, juicr, lgpr, mappoly, metacoder, ojsr, oncrawlR, packageRank, paleotree, pepr, pmetar, pmparser, polyglotr, psidR, pubmed.mineR, qdap, qdapTools, rYoutheria, rechonest, restfulr, reutils, rglobi, ropenblas, rsolr, rtematres, rts, sched, seeclickfixr, sfhelper, sgat, smarter, smosr, sship, swirl, switchr, trainR, treebase, umx, uptimeRobot, utilsIPEA, vstsr, warbleR, wcde, xSub, xgxr, xplain, zendown, zenstats.

Depended on by LSPFP, LightningR, R4CouchDB, RGoogleFit, RapidoPGS, RblDataLicense, fds, pullword, pumilioR, rLTP, rbiouml, restimizeapi, rgdax, rneos, ropensecretsapi, streamR, zendeskR.

Suggested by BED, CodeDepends, EFDR, HMDHFDplus, One4All, PGRdup, RCPA, RXKCD, RgoogleMaps, SIPDIBGE, XML, ammistability, archetyper, augmentedRCBD, berryFunctions, bio3d, boilerpipeR, breakaway, d3Network, datazoom.amazonia, exams, genekitr, germinationmetrics, iNZightTools, idiogramFISH, latex2exp, markdown, metagear, metamicrobiomeR, mosaic, patternplot, rdwd, reproducible, rqti, rsconnect, sparklyr, spatialEco, toolStability, trajectories.

Enhanced by mapmisc.

See at CRAN