Reference manual

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0.6-0 by Yixuan Qiu, a year ago

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Authors: Yixuan Qiu [aut, cre] , Ralf Stubner [ctb] (Integration on infinite intervals) , Sreekumar Balan [aut] (Numerical integration library) , Matt Beall [aut] (Numerical integration library) , Mark Sauder [aut] (Numerical integration library) , Naoaki Okazaki [aut] (The libLBFGS library) , Thomas Hahn [aut] (The Cuba library)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports Rcpp

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, prettydoc, mvtnorm, RcppEigen

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen

Imported by MCPModPack, MedianaDesigner, boodist, fastLogisticRegressionWrap, oncomsm, secr.

Linked to by BVSNLP, BayesPPD, CDatanet, COMIX, OwenQ, PartialNetwork, SurrogateBMA, fido, gbeta, ztpln.

See at CRAN