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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

OptimModel — 2.0-1

Perform Nonlinear Regression Using 'optim' as the Optimization Engine — 0.1.2

Optimos Prime Helps Calculate Autoecological Data for Biological Species

optimParallel — 1.0-2

Parallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization Method

optimsimplex — 1.0-8

R Port of the 'Scilab' Optimsimplex Module

optimStrat — 2.4

Choosing the Sample Strategy

optimus — 0.2.0

Model Based Diagnostics for Multivariate Cluster Analysis

optimx — 2023-10.21

Expanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function

optional — 2.0.1

Optional Types and Pattern Matching

OptionPricing — 0.1.2

Option Pricing with Efficient Simulation Algorithms

options — 0.2.0

Simple, Consistent Package Options

optionstrat — 1.4.1

Utilizes the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model to Perform Strategic Option Analysis and Plot Option Strategies

optiscale — 1.2.3

Optimal Scaling

optiSel — 2.0.9

Optimum Contribution Selection and Population Genetics

optiSolve — 1.0

Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Optimization

optistock — 0.0.2

Determine Optimum Stocking Times Used in Fishery Enhancements

OptM — 0.1.8

Estimating the Optimal Number of Migration Edges from 'Treemix'

optmatch — 0.10.8

Functions for Optimal Matching

optparse — 1.7.5

Command Line Option Parser

optpart — 3.0-3

Optimal Partitioning of Similarity Relations

optR — 1.2.5

Optimization Toolbox for Solving Linear Systems

optrcdmaeAT — 1.0.0

Optimal Row-Column Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments

optrefine — 1.1.0

Optimally Refine Strata

OPTS — 0.1

Optimization via Subsampling (OPTS)

OptSig — 2.2

Optimal Level of Significance for Regression and Other Statistical Tests

OPTtesting — 1.0.0

Optimal Testing

optweight — 0.2.5

Targeted Stable Balancing Weights Using Optimization

opusminer — 0.1-1

OPUS Miner Algorithm for Filtered Top-k Association Discovery

OralOpioids — 2.0.3

Retrieving Oral Opioid Information

orbital — 0.2.0

Predict with 'tidymodels' Workflows in Databases

orca — 1.1-3

Computation of Graphlet Orbit Counts in Sparse Graphs

orclus — 0.2-6

Subspace Clustering Based on Arbitrarily Oriented Projected Cluster Generation

ORCME — 2.0.2

Order Restricted Clustering for Microarray Experiments

Orcs — 1.2.3

Omnidirectional R Code Snippets

orcutt — 2.3

Estimate Procedure in Case of First Order Autocorrelation

ordbetareg — 0.7.2

Ordered Beta Regression Models with 'brms'

OrdCD — 1.1.2

Ordinal Causal Discovery

ordcrm — 1.0.0

Likelihood-Based Continual Reassessment Method (CRM) Dose Finding Designs

ordDisp — 2.1.1

Separating Location and Dispersion in Ordinal Regression Models

ordering — 0.7.0

Test, Check, Verify, Investigate the Monotonic Properties of Vectors

orderly — 1.4.3

Lightweight Reproducible Reporting

orders — 0.1.8

Sampling from k-th Order Statistics of New Families of Distributions

orderstats — 0.1.0

Efficiently Generates Random Order Statistic Variables

OrdFacReg — 1.0.6

Least Squares, Logistic, and Cox-Regression with Ordered Predictors

ordgam — 0.9.1

Additive Model for Ordinal Data using Laplace P-Splines

ordiBreadth — 1.0

Ordinated Diet Breadth

ordinal — 2023.12-4.1

Regression Models for Ordinal Data

ordinalbayes — 0.1.1

Bayesian Ordinal Regression for High-Dimensional Data

ordinalCont — 2.0.2

Ordinal Regression Analysis for Continuous Scales

ordinalForest — 2.4-3

Ordinal Forests: Prediction and Variable Ranking with Ordinal Target Variables

ordinalgmifs — 1.0.8

Ordinal Regression for High-Dimensional Data

ordinalLBM — 1.0

Co-Clustering of Ordinal Data via Latent Continuous Random Variables

ordinalNet — 2.12

Penalized Ordinal Regression

ordinalpattern — 0.2.5

Tests Based on Ordinal Patterns

ordinalRR — 1.1

Analysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies with Ordinal Measurements

OrdMonReg — 1.0.3

Compute least squares estimates of one bounded or two ordered isotonic regression curves

OrdNor — 2.2.3

Concurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions

ordPens — 1.1.0

Selection, Fusion, Smoothing and Principal Components Analysis for Ordinal Variables

ordr — 0.1.1

A 'tidyverse' Extension for Ordinations and Biplots

ore —

An R Interface to the Onigmo Regular Expression Library

oreo — 1.0

Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS)

orf — 0.1.4

Ordered Random Forests

ORFID — 1.0.2

Manage and Summarize Data from Oregon RFID ORMR and ORSR Antenna Readers

org — 2024.6.5

Organising Projects

organizr — 0.1.0

Shortcuts for File Creation with Informative Prefixes

OrgMassSpecR — 0.5-3

Organic Mass Spectrometry

orgR — 0.9.0

Analyse Text Files Created by Emacs' Org mode

orgutils — 0.5-0

Helper Functions for Org Files

ORIClust — 1.0-2

Order-Restricted Information Criterion-Based Clustering Algorithm

orientlib — 0.10.5

Support for Orientation Data

origami — 1.0.7

Generalized Framework for Cross-Validation

OrigamiPlot — 0.1.0

A Visualization Tool Enhancing Radar Plot Visualizations for Multivariate Data

origin — 1.1.2

Explicitly Qualifying Namespaces by Automatically Adding 'pkg::' to Functions

ORION — 1.0.3

Ordinal Relations

ORIONZ.G — 1.0.1

EAP Scoring in Exploratory FA Solutions with Correlated Residuals


The Online Regularized K-Means Clustering Algorithm

orloca — 5.6

Operations Research LOCational Analysis Models — 4.9

Spanish version of orloca package. Modelos de localizacion en investigacion operativa

ormBigData — 0.0.1

Fitting Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models for Big Data

ormPlot — 0.3.6

Advanced Plotting of Ordinal Regression Models

oro.dicom — 0.5.3

Rigorous - DICOM Input / Output

oro.nifti — 0.11.4

Rigorous - 'NIfTI' + 'ANALYZE' + 'AFNI' : Input / Output — 0.2.7

Rigorous - Positron Emission Tomography

orsifronts — 0.2.0

Southern Ocean Frontal Distributions (Orsi)

orsk — 1.0-8

Converting Odds Ratio to Relative Risk in Cohort Studies with Partial Data Information

ORTH.Ord — 1.0.1

Alternating Logistic Regression with Orthogonalized Residuals for Correlated Ordinal Outcomes

orthGS — 0.1.5

Orthology vs Paralogy Relationships among Glutamine Synthetase from Plants

orthoDr — 0.6.8

Semi-Parametric Dimension Reduction Models Using Orthogonality Constrained Optimization

orthogonalsplinebasis — 0.1.7

Orthogonal B-Spline Basis Functions

OrthoPanels — 1.2-4

Dynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of Fixed Effects

orthopolynom — 1.0-6.1

Collection of Functions for Orthogonal and Orthonormal Polynomials

ORTSC — 1.0.0

Connects to Google Cloud API for Label Detection

oRus — 1.0.0

Operational Research User Stories

OryzaProbe — 0.1.0

Rice Microarray Probe ID Conversion, from Probe ID to RAP-DB ID

osc — 1.0.5

Orthodromic Spatial Clustering

oscar — 1.2.1

Optimal Subset Cardinality Regression (OSCAR) Models Using the L0-Pseudonorm

OscillatorGenerator — 0.1.0

Generation of Customizable, Discretized Time Series of Oscillating Species

OSCV — 1.0

One-Sided Cross-Validation

osd — 0.1

Orthogonal Signal Deconvolution for Spectra Deconvolution in GC-MS and GCxGC-MS Data

osdatahub — 0.2.0

Easier Interaction with the Ordnance Survey Data Hub

osDesign — 1.8

Design, Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies

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