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0.11.4 by Brandon Whitcher, 2 years ago
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Authors: Brandon Whitcher [aut, cre] , Volker Schmid [aut] , Andrew Thornton [aut] , Karsten Tabelow [ctb] , Jon Clayden [ctb] , John Muschelli [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license
Imports stats, bitops, splines, graphics, grDevices, methods, utils, abind, RNifti
Suggests XML, testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown, rticles
Enhances fmri, oro.dicom
Imported by BHMSMAfMRI, BSPBSS, BayesDLMfMRI, CICA, RIA, WhiteStripe, brainKCCA, cifti, ciftiTools, dti, fmri, hNMF, ieegio, mand, oro.dicom,, qMRI, vesselr, voxel.
Depended on by brainR, fslr, mritc, neurobase.
Suggested by TCIU, brainGraph, fMRIscrub, fMRItools, freesurfer, freesurferformats, nifti.pbcor, templateICAr.
Enhanced by MixfMRI, RNifti, tractor.base.
See at CRAN