All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

m61r — 0.0.3

Package About Data Manipulation in Pure Base R

MAAPER — 1.1.1

Analysis of Alternative Polyadenylation Using 3' End-Linked Reads

maat — 1.1.0

Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing

mable — 3.1.3

Maximum Approximate Bernstein/Beta Likelihood Estimation

MABOUST — 1.0.1

Multi-Armed Bayesian Ordinal Utility-Based Sequential Trial

MacBehaviour — 1.2.7

Behavioural Studies of Large Language Models

macc — 1.0.1

Mediation Analysis of Causality under Confounding

MACER — 0.2.1

Molecular Acquisition, Cleaning, and Evaluation in R 'MACER'

MachineShop — 3.8.0

Machine Learning Models and Tools

macleish — 0.3.9

Retrieve Data from MacLeish Field Station

maclogp — 0.1.1

Measures of Uncertainty for Model Selection

macroBiome — 0.4.0

A Tool for Mapping the Distribution of the Biomes and Bioclimate

macrocol — 0.1.0

Colombian Macro-Financial Time Series Generator

macrosyntR — 0.3.3

Draw Ordered Oxford Grids and Chord Diagrams

MacroZooBenthosWaterA — 0.1.0

Fresh Water Quality Analysis Based on Macrozoobenthos

mactivate — 0.6.6

Multiplicative Activation

maczic — 1.0.0

Mediation Analysis for Count and Zero-Inflated Count Data

MAd — 0.8-3

Meta-Analysis with Mean Differences

mada — 0.5.11

Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy

MadanText — 0.1.0

Persian Text Mining Tool for Frequency Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Word Clouds

MadanTextNetwork — 0.1.0

Persian Text Mining Tool for Co-Occurrence Network

maddison — 0.2

The Maddison Project Database

madgrad — 0.1.0

'MADGRAD' Method for Stochastic Optimization

maditr — 0.8.4

Fast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes and 'data.table'

madness — 0.2.8

Automatic Differentiation of Multivariate Operations

MADPop — 1.1.7

MHC Allele-Based Differencing Between Populations

madr — 1.0.0

Model Averaged Double Robust Estimation

madrat — 3.6.4

May All Data be Reproducible and Transparent (MADRaT) *

madshapR — 1.1.0

Support Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom Research' Standards

madsim — 1.2.1

A Flexible Microarray Data Simulation Model

maestro — 0.2.0

Orchestration of Data Pipelines

Maeswrap — 1.7

Wrapper Functions for MAESTRA/MAESPA

magclass — 6.13.2

Data Class and Tools for Handling Spatial-Temporal Data

MAGEE — 1.4.2

Mixed Model Association Test for GEne-Environment Interaction

magi — 1.2.4

MAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference

magic — 1.6-1

Create and Investigate Magic Squares

magicaxis — 2.4.5

Pretty Scientific Plotting with Minor-Tick and Log Minor-Tick Support

magicfor — 0.1.0

Magic Functions to Obtain Results from for Loops

magick — 2.8.5

Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R

magickGUI — 1.3.1

GUI Tools for Interactive Image Processing with 'magick'

magicLamp — 0.1.0

'WeMo Switch' Smart Plug Utilities

MAGMA.R — 1.0.3

MAny-Group MAtching

MagmaClustR — 1.2.1

Clustering and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes with Common Mean

magmaR — 1.0.3

R-Client for Interacting with the 'UCSF Data Library'


A Pipeline for Meta-Genome Wide Association

magree — 1.2

Implements the O'Connell-Dobson-Schouten Estimators of Agreement for Multiple Observers

magrittr — 2.0.3

A Forward-Pipe Operator for R

maGUI — 4.0

A Graphical User Interface for Microarray Data Analysis and Annotation

maic — 0.1.4

Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison

maicChecks — 0.1.2

Assessing the Numerical Feasibility for Conducting a Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC)

mailchimpR — 0.1.0

Get Mailchimp Data via the '' API

mailmerge — 0.2.5

Mail Merge Using R Markdown Documents and 'gmailr'

mailR — 0.8

A Utility to Send Emails from R

mailtoR — 0.1.0

Creates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in 'shiny'

MainExistingDatasets — 1.0.2

Main Existing Human Datasets

MAINT.Data — 2.7.1

Model and Analyse Interval Data

MajKMeans — 0.1.0

k-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization Method

MajMinKmeans — 0.1.0

k-Means Algorithm with a Majorization-Minimization Method

makedummies — 1.2.1

Create Dummy Variables from Categorical Data

MakefileR — 1.0

Create 'Makefiles' Using R

makeFlow — 1.0.2

Visualizing Sequential Classifications

makeit — 1.0.1

Run R Scripts if Needed

makemyprior — 1.2.2

Intuitive Construction of Joint Priors for Variance Parameters

makePalette — 0.1.2

Make Palette

makepipe — 0.2.1

Pipeline Tools Inspired by 'GNU Make'

makeProject — 1.0

Creates an empty package framework for the LCFD format

maketools — 1.3.0

Exploring and Testing the Toolchain and System Libraries

makeunique — 1.0.0

Make Character Strings Unique

MAKL — 1.0.1

Multiple Approximate Kernel Learning (MAKL)

malan — 1.0.3

MAle Lineage ANalysis

malani — 1.0

Machine Learning Assisted Network Inference

malariaAtlas — 1.6.3

An R Interface to Open-Access Malaria Data, Hosted by the 'Malaria Atlas Project'

malaytextr — 0.1.3

Text Mining for Bahasa Malaysia

MALDIcellassay — 0.4.47

Automated MALDI Cell Assays Using Dose-Response Curve Fitting

maldipickr — 1.3.1

Dereplicate and Cherry-Pick Mass Spectrometry Spectra

MALDIquant — 1.22.3

Quantitative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data

MALDIquantForeign — 0.14.1

Import/Export Routines for 'MALDIquant'

MALDIrppa — 1.1.0-2

MALDI Mass Spectrometry Data Robust Pre-Processing and Analysis

mallet — 1.3.0

An R Wrapper for the Java Mallet Topic Modeling Toolkit

malvinas — 0.1.0

Islas Malvinas, Georgias Del Sur y Sándwich Del Sur

MAMS — 2.0.2

Designing Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Studies

ManagedCloudProvider — 1.0.0

Providing the Kubernetes-Like Functions for the Non-Kubernetes Cloud Service

managelocalrepo — 0.1.5

Manage a CRAN-Style Local Repository

MANCIE — 1.4

Matrix Analysis and Normalization by Concordant Information Enhancement

mand — 2.0

Multivariate Analysis for Neuroimaging Data

MandalaR — 0.1.0

Building Mandalas from Parametric Equations of Classical Curves

mandelbrot — 0.2.0

Generates Views on the Mandelbrot Set

manet — 2.0

Multiple Allocation Model for Actor-Event Networks

Mangrove — 1.21

Risk Prediction on Trees

manhattanly — 0.3.0

Interactive Q-Q and Manhattan Plots Using 'plotly.js'

manhplot — 1.1

The Manhattan++ Plot

manifestoR — 1.6.0

Access and Process Data and Documents of the Manifesto Project

manifold — 0.1.1

Operations for Riemannian Manifolds

ManifoldOptim — 1.0.1

An R Interface to the 'ROPTLIB' Library for Riemannian Manifold Optimization

manipulate — 1.0.1

Interactive Plots for RStudio

manipulateWidget — 0.11.1

Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts

ManlyMix —

Manly Mixture Modeling and Model-Based Clustering

MAnorm2 — 1.2.2

Tools for Normalizing and Comparing ChIP-seq Samples

MANOVA.RM — 0.5.4

Resampling-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs

manta — 1.0.1

Multivariate Asymptotic Non-Parametric Test of Association

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