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1.6.3 by Mauricio van den Berg, 4 months ago
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Authors: Mauricio van den Berg [aut, cre] , Sarah Connor [aut] , Daniel Pfeffer [aut] , Tim Lucas [aut] , Daniel May [aut] , Suzanne Keddie [aut] , Jen Rozier [aut] , Oliver Watson [aut] , Harry Gibson [aut] , Nick Golding [ctb] , David Smith [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports xml2, gridExtra, httr, dplyr, tidyr, methods, stats, utils, rlang, sf, lifecycle, terra, tidyterra, ows4R, future.apply, lubridate, jsonlite, stringr, ggnewscale
Depends on ggplot2
Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, palettetown, magrittr, tibble, rdhs
See at CRAN