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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

firebehavioR — 0.1.2

Prediction of Wildland Fire Behavior and Hazard

first — 1.1

Factor Importance Ranking and Selection using Total Indices

FiSh — 1.1

Fisher-Shannon Method

fishbc — 0.2.1

Fishes of British Columbia

fishdata — 1.0.1

A Small Collection of Fish Population Datasets

FisherEM — 1.6

The FisherEM Algorithm to Simultaneously Cluster and Visualize High-Dimensional Data

fisheye — 0.2.0

Transform Base Maps Using Log-Azimuthal Projection

fishkirkko2015 — 1.0.0

Dataset of Measurements of Fish Species at Kirkkojarvi Lake, Finland

fishmethods — 1.12-1

Fishery Science Methods and Models

fishMod — 0.29

Fits Poisson-Sum-of-Gammas GLMs, Tweedie GLMs, and Delta Log-Normal Models

FishPhyloMaker — 0.2.0

Phylogenies for a List of Finned-Ray Fishes

FishProxCompAnalyzer — 0.1.0

Proximate Composition Analysis of Fish and Feed Ingredients

FishResp — 1.1.1

Analytical Tool for Aquatic Respirometry

fishRman — 1.2.3

The Fisheries Scientist's Toolbox

fishtree — 0.3.4

Interface to the Fish Tree of Life API

fishualize — 0.2.3

Color Palettes Based on Fish Species

FisPro — 1.1.4

Fuzzy Inference System Design and Optimization

FIT — 0.0.6

Transcriptomic Dynamics Models in Field Conditions

fit.models — 0.64

Compare Fitted Models

fitbitr — 0.3.0

Interface with the 'Fitbit' API

fitbitScraper — 0.1.8

Scrapes Data from Fitbit

fitbitViz — 1.0.6

'Fitbit' Visualizations

fitConic — 1.2.1

Fit Data to Any Conic Section

fitdistrplus — 1.2-1

Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data

FitDynMix — 1.0.0

Estimation of Dynamic Mixtures

fitHeavyTail — 0.2.0

Mean and Covariance Matrix Estimation under Heavy Tails

fitlandr — 0.1.0

Fit Vector Fields and Potential Landscapes from Intensive Longitudinal Data

fitmix — 0.1.0

Finite Mixture Model Fitting of Lifespan Datasets

fitODBOD — 1.5.2

Modeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABD

fitODBODRshiny — 1.0.2

'Shiny' Application for R Package 'fitODBOD'

fitode — 0.1.1

Tools for Ordinary Differential Equations Model Fitting

fitplc — 1.2-3

Fit Hydraulic Vulnerability Curves

fitPoly — 3.0.0

Genotype Calling for Bi-Allelic Marker Assays

fitPS — 1.0.1

Fit Zeta Distributions to Forensic Data

fitscape — 0.1.0

Classes for Fitness Landscapes and Seascapes

FITSio — 2.1-6

FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Utilities

fitteR — 0.2.0

Fit Hundreds of Theoretical Distributions to Empirical Data

FitUltD — 3.1.0

Fit Univariate Mixed and Usual Distributions

fitur — 0.6.2

Fit Univariate Distributions

fitzRoy — 1.5.0

Easily Scrape and Process AFL Data

fivethirtyeight — 0.6.2

Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight'

FixedPoint — 0.6.3

Algorithms for Finding Fixed Point Vectors of Functions

fixedpointproperty — 1.0

Determine and Test the Fixed-Point Property in Binary Mixture Data

fixedTimeEvents — 1.0.1

The Distribution of Distances Between Discrete Events in Fixed Time

fixerapi — 0.1.6

An R Client for the "" Currency API

fixest — 0.12.1

Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations

fixr — 0.1.0

Fixing Data Made Easy for Statistical Analysis

FixSeqMTP — 0.1.2

Fixed Sequence Multiple Testing Procedures

fixtuRes — 0.1.3

Mock Data Generator

fizzbuzzR — 0.1.1

Fizz Buzz Implementation

FjordLight — 1.0.1

Available Light Within the Water Column and on the Seafloor of Arctic Fjords

FKF — 0.2.6

Fast Kalman Filter

FKF.SP — 0.3.1

Fast Kalman Filtering Through Sequential Processing

FKSUM — 1.0.1

Fast Kernel Sums

flacco — 1.8

Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems

flagr — 0.3.2

Implementation of Flag Aggregation

flam — 3.2

Fits Piecewise Constant Models with Data-Adaptive Knots

FLAME — 2.1.1

Interpretable Matching for Causal Inference

flametree — 0.1.3

Generate Random Tree-Like Images

flamingos — 0.1.0

Functional Latent Data Models for Clustering Heterogeneous Curves ('FLaMingos')

flan — 1.0

FLuctuation ANalysis on Mutation Models

flap — 0.2.0

Forecast Linear Augmented Projection

flare —

Family of Lasso Regression

flashCard — 0.1.0

Create a Flash Card

flashClust — 1.01-2

Implementation of optimal hierarchical clustering

flashier — 1.0.7

Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization

flashlight — 0.9.0

Shed Light on Black Box Machine Learning Models

flashr — 0.1.2

Create Flashcards of Terms and Definitions

flatr — 0.1.1

Transforms Contingency Tables to Data Frames, and Analyses Them

flattabler — 2.1.2

Obtaining a Flat Table from Pivot Tables

flatxml — 0.1.1

Tools for Working with XML Files as R Dataframes

fledge — 0.1.2

Smoother Change Tracking and Versioning for R Packages

flevr — 0.0.4

Flexible, Ensemble-Based Variable Selection with Potentially Missing Data

flexclust — 1.4-2

Flexible Cluster Algorithms

flexCWM — 1.92

Flexible Cluster-Weighted Modeling

flexdashboard — 0.6.2

R Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards

FlexDir — 1.0

Tools to Work with the Flexible Dirichlet Distribution

FlexGAM — 0.7.2

Generalized Additive Models with Flexible Response Functions

flexiblas — 3.4.0

'FlexiBLAS' API Interface

flexlsx — 0.2.1

Exporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' Files

flexmet — 1.1

Flexible Latent Trait Metrics using the Filtered Monotonic Polynomial Item Response Model

flexmix — 2.3-19

Flexible Mixture Modeling

flexmixNL — 0.0.1

Finite Mixture Modeling of Generalized Nonlinear Models

flexmsm — 0.1.2

A General Framework for Flexible Multi-State Survival Modelling

flexOR — 1.0.0

Flexible Odds Ratio Curves

FlexParamCurve — 1.5-6

Tools to Fit Flexible Parametric Curves

flexpolyline — 0.3.0

Flexible Polyline Encoding

FlexReg — 1.3.0

Regression Models for Bounded Continuous and Discrete Responses

flexrsurv — 2.0.18

Flexible Relative Survival Analysis

FlexScan — 0.2.2

Flexible Scan Statistics

flexsiteboard — 0.0.7

Breaks Single Page Applications from 'flexdashboard' in Multiple Files

flexsurv — 2.3.2

Flexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models

flexsurvcure — 1.3.1

Flexible Parametric Cure Models

flextable — 0.9.6

Functions for Tabular Reporting

FlexVarJM — 0.1.0

Estimate Joint Models with Subject-Specific Variance

FlickrAPI —

Access to Flickr API

flifo — 0.1.5

Don't Get Stuck with Stacks in R

flightplot — 0.1.0

Plotting Flight Paths on Maps

FLightR — 0.5.5

Reconstruct Animal Paths from Solar Geolocation Loggers Data

flightsbr — 0.5.0

Download Flight and Airport Data from Brazil

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